"We come together, state of the art."

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If you want to read a Michael Fanfic, I have a new story called 'Pretty Princess.'



"My mom was always on my side for everything and my dad used to be sober and caring. But then my dad started hanging out with these alcoholics and druggies. Everything seemed to spiral from there," I began.

Ashton and I were laying on my bed at the getaway, staring out the window above the bed. There was a total of 6 inches between us but the distance felt like miles.

The stars were shining brighter than before and it illuminated the room with a little help from the moon.

"Liz, you don't have to tell me this if you don't want to," Ashton reassured.

"It's fine. You already knew part of it anyways," I sighed.

"Anyways my dad would come stumbling home with a bottle of alcohol or some kind of blunt rolled between his fingers. It was awful and he always came home to pick fights with me. My mom would always take my side when it came to these things. But one day something clicked in her mind and she began turning against me. So it's been me against them for a while."

An awkward silence blanketed us as we continued to stare at the night sky. The thought of my parents made a few tears escape my eye. I quickly wiped them away before it was noticeable.

I felt a hand slide under my upper back and wrap around my torso. I turn so I could nuzzle my head into his neck. He cradled me as I let a couple of silent tears slide off my face and onto the soft fabric of his T-shirt.

"It's okay to cry Elizabeth. Sometimes you need to empty the sadness to make room for happiness," he whispers soothingly. The awkward silence was replaced by the sound of our synchronized hearts and our breathing.

He was running circles into my back as I felt my eyes begin to droop.

Before sleep takes over me, I feel Ashton place a kiss to my forehead and whisper,"It's okay angel, I'll fix you."

"Do you think we should wake them?"

"But they look so cute!"

"I swear I will rip your dîck off if you don't shut the fûck up Calum," I groaned, snuggling further into Ashton.

"Calum doesn't have one," the other boy laughed. I sat up and looked down at the blonde culprit.

"Who are you and how did you guys get in here?" I yawned. I looked to my right to make sure Ashton was still asleep. He was slightly snoring and his arms were still wrapped around my waist.

"The names Luke and you guys left the door unlocked. Calum here wanted to see if you were here so he could introduce me and so we could hang out and I knew where your room was," Luke explained.

"Your room is so much better than mine,"Calum whined, poking the fairy lights.

"Leave and I'll meet you guys in the lobby,"I sighed, leaning back. They left without another word and I turned to Ashton.

His curls were laying loosely on his face and his lips were slightly parted. I swear I could see a halo form above his head.

"Ashton," I whispered, slightly shaking him. He stirred in his sleep but stayed still.

"Ashton I need to get ready," I whispered into his ear. His eyes fluttered open and he smiled at me. I smiled back as he rubbed his eyes like a little baby.

"Where are you going?" He said. I climbed down from the bed and grabbed some clothes.

"I'm going to hang out with Calum and his friend Luke," I replied.

"Do you think I can come with?" He asked, propping himself on his elbows.

"I don't think it's a problem. Im going to shower and get ready so feel free to do what you want."

"Can I do you?"

"Gross! Go away,"I laugh, walking into the bathroom.


This is short holy. I'm home sick and it sucks but I'm glad I don't have to deal with people.

Hope you like it and if you like this you might like my new story 'Pretty Princess'! It's a michael story ;-)

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