Chapter 22

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"We'll never surrender, the Kids in the Dark."

Elizabeth's POV

I walked into the cafe, and the smell of coffee and baked goods wafted the air. I looked around and spotted Carrie sitting in the corner with food and drinks ready.

"Hey Carrie!" I smiled.

"Long time no see, my friend," she smiled back, standing up to hug me.

We sat down and began telling each other everything.


"So you got a random letter from these people called "Kids in the Dark," and you decided to go to the address they sent to you?" Carrie asked setting down her mug of coffee and clapsing her hands together staring at me.

"Well I guess you can put it that way, hell my parents were fighting and wherever I went to was a better place then being at home," I sighed biting into my blueberry scone.

"Well damn, where did you end up going then?" Carrie questioned. She seemed innocently curious and I hesitated on answering her question.

Could I trust Carrie with this type of information? Yeah we were the best friends when we were younger but we did grow apart... could she still be the same?

"Well I met these awesome people and live with them in a secret location" I answered vaguely.

"Oh is it nice?" She continued," Where is this secret location?"

"It's really nice! They renovated those buildings near the big cell phone tower."

I concluded that I can trust her. She was just being a friend and worrying about my well being.

"Oh I know where you're talking about! that's awesome! Besides that, any new boys in your life?" she said, winking.

"Yeah there's someone I recently met. His name is Ashton, brown curlyish hair, beautiful hazel eyes," I said smilingly stupidly looking down,"like a beautiful Cinnamon bun."

"Ohh the cutie that dropped you off?! Yeah he's really cute and looks good for you," She replies typing a text message quickly to a number that I couldn't see.

"Thanks, he's really special to me" I whispered.

"So anybody i should know about in-" I said but got cut off from Carrie.

"Sorry to cut our coffee date so short, I really gotta run," Carrie says getting up quickly and throwing down a 10 dollar bill. She quickly rushes out the door and down the street.

That was weird.

I shrugged it off and continued to eat my scone and finish my coffee. About 20 minutes later I received a text message from Ashton.

From Asshton:

Elizabeth you need to get back down here ASAP, ther

I looked at the text messaged quickly confused on why ashton didn't finish his sentence. I put my phone to my ear to try and call him but it went straight to voicemail.

I ran out the door and called a taxi to bring me to the corner of the street 2 minutes before the sanctuary.

What I saw when I walked closer completely shocked me.



I ran up to one of the officers and continuously asked what was going on but they quickly brushed me off.  I stopped dead in my tracks when I spotted a group of familiar people. My parents and Carrie were talking to 3 cops in front of one of the cops car. I quickly ran up to Carrie.

"What the fuck did you do?!" I screamed in her face, lightly pushing her shoulders.

My mom stepped forward crying and hugged me.

"Oh Liz when we saw you missing weeks ago we got so scared that we lost you! When Carrie came to us and told us that you've been kidnapped and brought here, I was thrilled! Don't worry my baby you're safe now". She said hugging me tighter.

"Fucking go along with it or pay with the consequences" she growled in my ear. I shoved her off of me and began to run past them. I saw Luke and Michael getting handcuffed and brought to one of the cop cars.

"Luke! Michael! I'm going to fix this! Where's ashton?" I shouted, trying to run towards them but quickly got pulled back from a police officer.

"The last time I saw him was over there" Luke beckoned with his head before he was pushed into the car and the door was slammed on him.

I run over to where he pointed and found Ashton sat in the back of the cop car where the window was slightly opened and an officer was talking to him. I run over and try to make some kind of contact with him but was stopped by the police.

"I promise I'm going to fix this" I croaked, letting a few tears escape my eyes as I got pulled back by 2 more police officers. Before I could turn back to see his response the car drove away down the crowded road.

I stood frozen in the middle of a crime scene. My fellow 'Kids in the Dark' were no longer protected. Many were being cuffed and some of them had parents screaming at them. I couldn't take the pain and I couldn't stand the victorious glares I got from my parents.

No one messes with the Kids in the Dark.

Sorry that I forgot to edit and post it faster guys. I'm such a procrastinator. Ignore my weird thumbnail (the rest looked worse) but...You guys should watch my YouTube video pls!! Here's the link: -Christy

I had this chapter planned forever! Thank you so much for the support, I love writing for this book and i'm so excited for the next couple chapters. Love you guys - Rhiannon (Rhimariee)

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