Nation: Republic of the Menagerie

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Flag of Menagerie

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Flag of Menagerie

Great Seal of Menagerie

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Great Seal of Menagerie

Republic of the Menagerie

Founded: ~2174

Captial: Kuo Kuana

Largest City: Kuo Kuana

Motto: "Peace in Freedom"

National Anthem: "Song of Peace"

Official Language(s):

- English

- French

Official Religion: None at State Level

- The God of Animals

- Brotherism (The Two Brothers)

- Christianity (Catholicism/Mormonism)

Demonym(s): Menagerian, Faunus

Type: Liberalism, Left-Wing Democracy, Republicanism

Government: Unitary parliamentary republic

Executive: Chieftain

Legislature: Menagerie Parliament

- Upper Council

- Lower Council

Judicial: Supreme Court

Currency: Menagerie Dollar, United States Dollar

Military: Menagerie Self-Defense Forces

- Ground Forces (Army)

- Navy

- Air Force

- Faunus Revolutionary Guard

Menagerie (known officially as the Republic of the Menagerie), is New World unitary republic located on the sub continent of the same name. Its capital is Kuo Kuana which is also its largest city, with several smaller and emerging settlements located on the coast and deeper inland. Menagerie is the de facto 'home' of the Faunus species, who dominate political and economic policies. The country is Remnant's first democratic republic, having been established by Ghira Belladonna, along with support from the United States.

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