Chapter 9 - The Truth

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"Older?" one of the Councilors muttered skeptically, "Just how old exactly?"

Jacques on the other hand was less focus on age however, "You!? Your people supplied Menagerie!?"

"Aside from this revelation..." Sleet announced, referencing Jacques' loud accusation, "America's age, what is it? Atlas is the youngest at around 75 years, after Mantle's decline."

Pierre smirked only the slightest before speaking, "The United States is 399 years old-"

The Ambassador couldn't even continue, as uproar commenced amongst several Councilors.



"...However, that will change in the coming months I must add..." Pierre added, secretly enjoying their baffled minds going off.

It was Ironwood who managed silence the room, "Enough! Ambassador, you said 399 years was your country's age. Explain."

Pierre remained silent for a brief moment. He took a deep, but shaky breath before exhaling. Then, he spoke.

"Let me ask you this, what do you think you are standing on?"

Many in the audience looked confused at him, "I don't understand Ambassador? We are standing on the Island of Vytal."

Pierre nodded slightly; his face neutral with a hint of understanding in it. This did not go unnoticed by Ozpin, who looked at him curiously. The headmaster tried his best to read the man's face, but to no success.

"You are correct." Pierre stated, "But you are also wrong. You...We, are standing on a graveyard."

A cold chill fell down the spines of the kingdom's representatives. What did he mean by graveyard? 

Beaumont then spoke once again, "You are all aware of tectonic shift and idea of continental plates I assume?"

"It's more of a theory actually." Ironwood replied, "The plates move creating the continents, causing tsunamis, volcano eruptions, and earthquakes. But according to scientists, the plates are dormant, like they haven't moved in a long time."

Pierre grinned a bit, "Then allow me you the truth."

The screen behind the ambassador then changed to that of Remnant, each continent outlined in by tectonic plates. Each landmass then began to change, as did the plates. They warped and twisted until the map of hardly recognizable. They only thing that hadn't changed was the North American continent. 

"What the hell is this?" one councilor muttered out of curiosity

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"What the hell is this?" one councilor muttered out of curiosity. Murmurs began to spread as well until Pierre spoke up once more.

"For you all, the current year is 325 of the Remnant calendar." he stated, "For us, it is 2176 of the Gregorian calendar. This map is from the year 2018, this was what Remnant used to looked like. It was our world, our home. The tectonic theory is true. We call Remnant, Earth."

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