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Long time ago, the United States of America was a country of vast opportunity and promise.

And she still is...because America is still alive.

A millennia ago, planet Earth was home to over 200 countries with various types of governments, ideologies, and leaders. The United States was the first true democratic republic out of all of them, and by the 21st Century, America was the world's oldest surviving federation. But not every country was perfect, as corruption grew across the world, many feared a great war would erupt amongst us all.

And then it happened...

We don't know much about the event, other than survivors' stories. Some claim that God himself personally came down and punished us, natural disasters, volcanos erupting, nuclear warheads exploding, etc. The world burned in the ashes of the Great Revelation, and the nations of the world, were no more...

Except for America...

By some miracle, the United States was sparred this great catastrophe, its neighbors Canada, and Mexico, joined our great Union. Along with them were the islands of the Caribbean. Our flag was changed to a more "patriotic" design in order to not deal with the pain of hundreds of stars in the canton. 

For the next few years, refugees came to the country, being excepted as citizens

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For the next few years, refugees came to the country, being excepted as citizens. The federal government declared martial law in order for the country to reorganize its resources for. Many were quite reluctant to do this, but we all understood that hard times were coming, and that we had to adapt to survive. After nearly a decade of martial law, we were to get our democracy back. But many corrupt politicians were not so keen on the idea, and tried to keep the power they consumed. In response, the citizens rallied, and a Second American Revolution broke out. States governments that held corrupt officials were overthrown, and eventually the US Armed Forces joined the rebels, marched on Washington DC, and removed martial law, restoring democracy in the nation. 

Under a new president, the United States under went a massive cultural, parotitic, and isolationist period. Equal rights were given to all, no matter who you were or where you came from. The federal government successfully enforced the law that our Founding Fathers proclaimed: All men were created equal, and the ideas of Life, Liberty, and the Pursuit of Happiness. Technology advanced faster than anyone could dream. The Space Force successfully created orbital outposts near Venus, Mars, and the Moon, with Rhea much later. The nuclear bomb became a relic of the past, most were destroyed or locked away in a secure vault along with the schematics to create one. Nationalism was strong, and we became self-sustaining, transporting resources from our orbital outposts in space.

As America remained isolated for more than a century, the rest of the world went down a different path. New continents emerged in place of the old ones. Sanus, Solitas, Anima, and Menagerie. Antarctica somehow survived this though, we have bases there as well. They created their own kingdoms with the same form of government: a council. Vale, Vacuo, Atlas, Mistral. The four great kingdoms of the planet Remnant. 

Yeah, that's what they call Earth now. Kinda makes sense though. 

Life in their borders are much harder than ours. Creatures, only as the Grimm threaten their very existence. Each kingdom has an academy to train warriors called Huntsmen to protect them all. Humans dominated the kingdoms, but they weren't alone. A new species, the Faunus emerged, they were humans with a distinct trait of an animal. Some have ears, teeth, feet, even a tail. They discriminated by their very appearance, forced into slavery, bad jobs, you name it. 

That's how we learned about the kingdoms. One day Faunus refugees accidentally found us, we took them in and they became citizens. Today, both humans and Faunus within our borders enjoy a life freedom under the rule of law. Far away from the kingdoms, and their leadership.

But I wonder, how long will it take of them to find us? The last surviving piece of the Old World. The last true democracy. What will we do? We've been isolated for more than a millennia. 

Hmm, I guess we wait and see...

Hmm, I guess we wait and see

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