History: US Presidents

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The President of the United States of America (POTUS) is the head of state and the head of government of the United States of America. The president of the United States directs the executive branch of the federal government and serves as the Commander-In-Chief of the United States Armed Forces.

Style: Mr. President, The Honorable, His Excellency

There has been a total of 74 US Presidents. The only time the country wasn't run by a president was under the Articles of Confederation from 1783 - 1789, and the Congressional Council from 2030 - 2040 following the Great Revelation.


Political Parties

Every US president up to date has been part of or affiliated with one of the US' political parties.

Current parties of the US Multi-Party System:

Republican Party: Also called the Grand Old Party, GOP, and briefly the National Union Party. Originally started as classically liberal and left-wing, the Republican Party slowly shifted to the right during the 20th century. The party now appeals to American conservatism. Its main color is red, and symbol is an elephant. A state that supports the Republicans are called a red state.

Democratic Party: The oldest political party in the United States, and the world. The Democrats started off a conservative, libertarian group which supported the ideas of US President Andrew Jackson. The party ultimately split during the American Civil War, only winning the presidency twice up until 1910. Since the Great Depression and World War II, the Democratic Party saw an ideology shift to the left. It now supports modern liberalism. The Democrats also hold the second-most support from Faunus-Americans. Its main color is light blue, and its symbol is a donkey. A state that supports the Democrats are called a blue state.

Libertarian Party: Considered a big tent coalition of centrists, progressives, and conservatives. The Libertarians were founded in the 1970s in the growing resentment of the Nixon Administration, the Vietnam War, and conscription. The part ideals to classical liberalism and fiscal conservatism. Its color is gold-yellow, and its symbol is a either a porcupine or gold torch. A state that supports the Libertarians is called a gold state.

Social Democratic Party: Often referred to as the Socialists to differentiate it with the Democrats. The Socialists hold to the ideas of moderate social democracy, welfare, far limited government, and stronger liberalism. Most of its members are of Canadian and Cuban-Americans. The party also has the most support from Faunus-Americans. Its color is dark red, and its symbol is a rose. A state that supports the Socialists is called a rose state.

American Union Party: Starting out initially as ideas for a future political party by both Senator Huey Long, and later US President Donald Trump; the American Union Party was created as a big-tent, united coalition between the Republicans and the Democrats following the Second American Revolution in 2041. Eventually the party turned to nationalism, classical liberalism, limited government, and limited populism; all while remaining as a big-tent consisting of Republicans, Libertarians, and to some extent Socialists respectively. The Unionists hold the third most support from Faunus-Americans. The party's color is navy blue, and its symbol is a red, white, and blue shield. A state that supports the Unionists is called a union state.


List of US Presidents

"Federalist Era" 1789 - 1801

1. George Washington

Term Limit: 2

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