Chapter 5 - The Negotiations

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The Atlas Dropship landed where it was requested before Council members Camilla and Sleet exited. They were greeted by a small group of armed men.

 They were greeted by a small group of armed men

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"Councilors." one of then stated, "This way, we have transport to the summit waiting."

Camilla and Sleet both looked at one another before the former responded.

"Very well, lead the way."

The men escorted them to a black limousine, once they entered however they noticed that the windows of the vehicle were black out on the inside. Meaning that they couldn't see where they were going. However just shrugged it off, thinking it was done since the Faunus don't really trust Atlas that much.

With the councilors settled in, the leader soldier tapped the back of the limo, signaling it to go.


As the limo drove down the road that was closed off, the citizens of Kuo Kuana gather in crowds around the road. They shouted and sneered at the limo as it drove passed them. Some waved the flag of Menagerie, other flew the American flag to symbolize the ever-growing US-Menagerie alliance. Some even wanted to attack the limo in anger, but were cut off by the MSDF (Menagerie Self-Defense Force) who're protecting the escort. But it was quite obvious even they didn't want the duty.

Soon the limo stopped at The Chieftain's house and both Camilla and Sleet stepped out, being greeted by the press and a crowd of angry Faunus. They were quickly rushed inside as the crowd shouted at them.




Once they entered the house, the Councilors were stopped by a security guard.

"For security purposes I'm gonna have to ask if you hand over your scrolls." he said politely

"Of course." Sleet replied before he and Camilla handed over their scrolls to the guard. They were then greeted by Chieftain Belladonna.

"Councilors." he said to them, "Welcome. I am happy to see that you've agreed to this meeting."

"Indeed." Camilla replied warmly, "On behalf of the rest of the Council, I sincerely apologize for this breach of security. Councilman Sleet and I hold no prejudice towards your people."

"Thank you, now come." he said, "We have much to discuss."

Ghira lead them down the hall before arriving at the conference room where they would discuss negotiations.

To their surprise, there was another person in the room already waiting for them: Sienna Khan, the leader of the White Fang, now clad in a more blueish attire

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To their surprise, there was another person in the room already waiting for them: Sienna Khan, the leader of the White Fang, now clad in a more blueish attire.

The Councilors were shocked to see her sitting in the room. Ghira then gestured for them to sit.

"Please, sit."

They did that, sitting opposite of Sienna, while Ghira sat at the head of the table. The door to the room then shut, which sounded more like a coffin closing.

"What is she doing here?" Sleet then asked, "She's a terrorist!"

"Sienna is not a terrorist." Ghira replied calmly, "But I do understand your worry."

"She is the leader of the White Fang!" Camilla added

"You are mistaken." Sienna spoke up in a calm manner, "The White Fang have been disbanded for over two years now. I now lead the Faunus Revolutionary Guard."

The Councilor looked baffled at the revelation of one of Atlas' enemies being disbanded with them even knowing. But that raised another question...

"But what about Adam Taurus then?" Camilla questioned, "He still operates the 'White Fang' in Vale."

Sienna frowned in anger, "Adam is a traitor and the true terrorist. He operates a radical splinter group that wanted me dead. He and his White Fang brethren are one of our targets."

"I see..."

"Councilors if I may." Ghira spoke up, "Shall press on with the negotiations?"

The meeting went on with no quarrels. The treaty that was signed was fair for both sides, but did favored the Faunus more than Atlas.

- The Kingdom of Atlas is to pay reparations for the destruction of Kuo Kuana's port and the deaths of its citizens.

- The Republic of the Menagerie is to pay reparations for the destruction of the Atlas airship and its escort.

- The Kingdom of Atlas is forbidden from travelling near or into Menagerie's borders unless allowed.

- The Kingdom of Atlas is forbidden from trading with the Republic of the Menagerie.

- The Schnee Dust Company is forbidden from establishing mines and facilities in the Republic of the Menagerie.

- The Kingdom of Atlas is forbidden from receiving weapons and technology from the Republic of the Menagerie.

- All citizens of Atlas are forbidden from immigrating to Menagerie regardless of Human or Faunus. The latter may be welcomed unless they cut off all ties with the kingdom.

The terms were read out loud, signed, and ratified. Afterwards, the Councilors were to be escorted back to their dropship. But they had one question.

"Chieftain I may ask..." Camilla said to him, "Why Republic?"

Ghira scratched his chin as he thought. He knew they were curious, but he already had a deal with the United States not to say anything deemed 'important', "We aren't a kingdom. The others will not except us for who we are. Also if I may add, the structure of the kingdoms aren't exactly functional in my opinion. No offense of course."

"I understand, thank for all of this."

"Same to you..."


"...In other news, the summit between Atlas and Menagerie ended the other day with the former paying reparations for the damaged done. However upon returning to Atlas, the Councilors had some news to say..."

"The call themselves the Republic of the Menagerie." Sleet said on the news, "They have their own military and government. They do wish for any harm or violence. On top of that, they have disbanded the Whit Fang..."

"In the reports made by Atlas, Sienna Khan, the high leader of the White Fang, had disbanded the Faunus radical group roughly two years ago, after Adam Taurus planned a coup on her. Now Taurus runs his own White Fang operation in the Kingdom of Vale, and prove to be a major problem for the kingdom..."

"At least there's no war..." Ruby muttered as she and her team watched the news

"I'm surprised that Faunus fought back fiercely, and destroyed an Atlas airship." Weiss added, "But with their name though? The Republic of the Menagerie? They're practically a kingdom now!"

"What do you think Blake?" Yang asked her partner

"I think I need to make a call..."

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