Chapter 6 - The Arms Race

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With the meeting between Atlas and Menagerie now over, most of the world was now moving on with the events that had happened in Kuo Kuana

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With the meeting between Atlas and Menagerie now over, most of the world was now moving on with the events that had happened in Kuo Kuana. Of course some were curious as to what had transpired. The media claimed that a minor Grimm attack occurred near Menagerie and Atlas decided to intervene, only for the Faunus to fight back severely. In reality, a corrupt Atlesian escort was tasking in kidnapping Faunus for slave labor and profit for the Schnee Dust Company. The small, unrecognized territory that Faunus earned in the Great War, now calling themselves the "Republic of the Menagerie", fought back and destroyed the entire escort. But not before the Atlas fleet could inflict some damage.

Now the Kingdom of Atlas was confused and angered at the fact that the Faunus had an edge over them. What else did they possess? They wanted to send a scout team or an undercover taskforce to investigate, but out of fear of what else Menagerie had up their sleeve, these plans were scrapped almost immediately. 

Still, Atlas didn't feel all that threatened though. Now they wished too even the playing field, and quickly scrambled all their scientists to come up with schematics on a new fighter.

General Ironwood was inside the lab of one of Atlas' most prized scientists, Dr. Pietro Polendina. The old man was currently looking through several blueprint he drew up. 

"They're still a concept, but they'll get the idea across." Pietro said as he handed Ironwood the blueprints. The general looked at them a moment before closing them.

"A genius idea Pietro." Ironwood muttered, "Menagerie's new airship will be a thorn in our side. While I don't see them as our enemies, we should be cautious. Years of torment are on their side."

"What do you plan on doing with the project?" Pietro then asked

"I plan on showing them to the Council." Ironwood replied, "I will say they were your idea."

"Very well." the scientist said, "If you would excuse me."

"Of course."


President Larson sat in the oval office as he spoke with one of his top generals. He was a man in his early-50s with fair skin, blue eyes, and thick natural red hair. He wore the standard US Marine uniform, complete with medals.

"What did you find William?" Larson asked him

General William Morrell presented the Commander-in-Chief with a file folder. Larson opened it before putting on his glasses, he analyzed it with a calculating expression.

 Larson opened it before putting on his glasses, he analyzed it with a calculating expression

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"What exactly am I looking at?" Larson asked

"Our satellite surveillance has discovered Atlesian facilities up and running all over Solitas." Morrell explained, "Apparently they are designing a new type of fighter."

"A new dropship variant I presume?" Larson guessed. Everyone knew that the Atlas Military's airfleet and escorts were not designed for combat.

But Morrell shook his head, "No sir, this ship a fighter. Apparently Atlas is trying to make a jet to counter the F-22s we gave to Menagerie."

"How dangerous are these fighters?" 

"We not so sure." Morrell replied nervously, "The entire department is 50/50. The crafts they made are exceptionally slow, hell out F-59s can obliterate them. But can still pose a threat to our helicopters, trade vessels, even cruise ship if necessary."

"What's its weaponry?" Larson asked

"From what we know: two twin machine guns on the nose of the craft." Morrell answered, "Sir, what shall we do?"

Larson removed his glasses before closing the file, "The best we can do. General, continue monitoring this project. We will remain on schedule for the time being."


"The time has come." Larson declared, "The Great White Fleet will deploy within the hour."

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