Chapter 7 - The Great White Fleet

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"Come on, pick up

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"Come on, pick up." Blake muttered in annoyance as she tried calling her father for what had to be the tenth time today. It had been nearly a month since the Atlas-Menagerie summit, and people were curious as too what had transpired. Blake knew who to call for such answers: her father. But for some reason, only one phrase would repeat on her scroll.

"I'm sorry. This user is no longer available."

"Ugh!" she huffed before putting her scroll away

"Still nothing?" Yang asked as all of Team RWBY were chilling in their dorm room

"This doesn't make any sense." Blake exclaimed, "My dad would've answered without question if I called."

"Maybe he's busy." Ruby suggested

Blake shrugged, "Perhaps, he is the Chieftain of Menagerie after all."

"Or perhaps my father convinced the kingdoms to cut off communication with Menagerie?" Weiss guessed, which quite honestly doesn't seem so off.

"That too." Yang muttered

"Communication or not, there's something going on." Blake stated, "Menagerie beating Atlas, the White Fang being disbanded, and the list goes on. There's something going on."

Just then, the four girls heard the sound of feet hitting the ground. Ruby opened the door to see several students running off in a hurry down the hall. Ruby then noticed Jaune running by and quickly stopped him.

"Jaune, what's going on?" she asked

"I don't know, something big on the news." Jaune answered

"The news?" Weiss questioned

"Yeah, its on in the common room, come on!"

Team RWBY followed him and the other huntsmen into the common room where they all watched the news report on the TV. The live footage changed frequently from all over Vale. Each had a similar image: several massive airships flying in formation, ranging from lead ships to smaller support vessels. 

Republic-Class Carrier

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Republic-Class Carrier

Republic-Class Carrier

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