Chapter 3 - The Unknown

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2176: Present Day

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2176: Present Day...

"...Man, Port's  class was boring right?" Yang said to her team as they ate lunch

"Don't say that." Weiss hissed, "I found the story to be rather educational."

"If education means 'so boring that the entire class fell asleep listening to something Weiss only likes' then I agree with you." Yang quipped

Ruby then looked at Blake who was searching through her scroll thoroughly not bothering to eat at all.

"Whatcha doing Blake?" she asked her

"I've been trying to find any information on those guys we saw in the Emerald Forest." Blake answered

"Any luck?" Weiss asked curiously

"Nothing...There's nothing on these guys at all." she answered, "Just rumors and whispers of armed militia. These are likes ghosts."

"Ghosts?" Nora Valkyrie muttered as she and the rest of Team JNPR joined in, "Where? I wanna see a ghost!"

"Not real ghosts Nora." Yang said to her, "Guys fighting the White Fang."

"Huntsmen?" Pyrrha Nikos asked

"No, not huntsmen, some group of soldiers that killed a platoon of White Fang near Beacon." Ruby explained, "We wanted to question them but they left on a bullhead before we could do anything."

"You guys won't happen to know anything, would you?" Blake decided to ask

"Uh, nope." 

"Mm mm."



"What does-? Ugh, never mind." Weiss huffed, "Point is: there are people attacking the White Fang."

"But why though?" Blake muttered darkly, "They're just misguided."

"Maybe they attacked those guys before." Yang suggested, "Now they're retaliating."

"But still, they shouldn't kill them." Blake added, "The White Fang are just misguided people, corrupted by blind loyalty."

"So what do we do?" Ruby asked

"We find those people, and question them..."


Vice President Dick Simmons had come to Menagerie to meet with Ghira to discuss the continued partnership between America and Menagerie

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Vice President Dick Simmons had come to Menagerie to meet with Ghira to discuss the continued partnership between America and Menagerie. Since its founding, the Republic of the Menagerie had adopted a parliamentary government with democratic elections. The White Fang loyal to Sienna Khan were now reformed into the Faunus Revolutionary Guard, one of the combat branched of the Menagerie Self-Defense Forces. The Revolutionary Guard had been waging a guerilla campaign against Adam's White Fang faction in Vale's control territory for the past two years. A war unnoticed by the kingdoms due to it not occurring near civilization. As for the United States, they mainly supplied Menagerie's military to do the fighting, not bothering for any direct confrontation unless provoked to do so. 

Simmons was now in Ambassador McConnell's estate in Kuo Kuana. The two had known each other since they joined the Social Democratic Party. However McConnell left the party to become an independent politician and Ambassador. But that didn't stop them from being friends at all. 

"...So my wife is begging for us to get that Boston Tea Party set." McConnell said to him as they sat in the Ambassador's office, "But I'm eyeing the Royal Family set, the Royals are auctioning."

"Oh really?" Simmons muttered in amusement, "Who won."

"She did." McConnell, "It ain't that bad. So what about you? Planning for the election?"

"I am." Simmons replied, "I have a few ideas up my sleeve that'll be beneficial for the country, but the world as well."

"Such as?"

"I'm running as an Independent Bob." Simmons announced

McConnell's eyes widened, "Independent, you sure you're up for the challenge Dick?"

"I believe I am." he continued, "I think a neutral, unaffiliated president who's open to ideas is good for the country and the world."

"Who'd you have in mid to be on your Cabinet"

"Not sure yet." Simmons shrugged, "But my plan is to have people from various political parties. You know, make it diverse."

"What about a Vice President? That's gonna be tuff one."

"Actually I've thought of someone." he said, "But I'm waiting a bit before I ask them."

"Well, best of luck to whoever you pick."


A/N: So this chapter is short and sweet. Sorry it isn't that long. Stay tuned for the next chapter, cause its loaded. 

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