Chapter 19

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Harry felt his entire world collapse around him. Three big bold words etched on the front page of the newspaper with his face clear as day. His heart was beating a million miles a minute. His hands were shaking. His fragile legs were suddenly giving up again. Why does he feel this way. Being gay is not that bad. Especially in this industry. There were already so many gay people. But why does he feel this way about seeing those three letter words written right beside his picture. Why does he feel humiliated and embarrassed

"What the fuck Harry! You're on top of the fucking world right now. Number one album worldwide. Fucking worldwide. Here you are fucking everything up. We got tweets showing those conservatives are already burning their kids' concert tickets because of this!" said Paul, spit launching after every syllable. 

The older man took the thick piles of newspaper in his arms and slammed it on the table. Harry grimaced, he'd never seen Paul this angry in his life. The large towering man practically had steam coming out of his ears. 

"Start counting those bloody stupid death threats. Cause I bet ya, they're already in the mail." 

Niall bit his lip as he eavesdropped the conversation from the corner. He felt horrible for Harry. If only everyone knew that Harry was in fact gay. That he was already married and they were expecting a baby. If everyone knew, then all these stupid gossip would be dead. Things would be easier. However that is not the case now. 

"How did you two even got your pictures together huh?" said Paul, plopping himself on the sofa and started massaging his forehead. 

"Why the fuck are you throwing everything away for a pregnant man. He's bloody pregnant Harry. You can have a million different woman everyday from around the world, and here you are with a bloody pregnant man. Pregnant with whose child we also don't know. We have a million dollar production in progress, and here you are fucking everything up," said Paul.  

Niall held the hems of his shirt tightly. A wave of guilt engulfed him. Paul was right. Harry was indeed throwing everything away for him. All his hard work, the countless nights he spent at the recording studio. All the time and energy he exerted for his craft. This was his life. His music was him. Back then Harry and Niall knew this was going to happen if the public finds out about Harry's sexuality. That was why they decided to keep their relationship in the shadows. This world is not as rainbow and liberal as it seemed in the media. A very large population still have their reserves about the LGBTQ community whether they liked it or not. However they knew that one day they have to tell the world. Niall just didn't expect for it to come so soon.

"Fuck!" cursed Paul loudly, throwing his hands in the air.  

"We have to do immediate damage control. Immediately. Get the paparazzi to picture you with a supermodel or someone famous, someone like Emma Watson. Get interview with Ellen or Jimmy Kimmel or Fallon or The Late Late Show. Someone the public loves and adores. Give it a few months, until the tour is over. Maybe the entire tour. Make a public announcement that Niall is a childhood friend or something, someone irrelevant but close to you."

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