Chapter 6

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"Zayn, I really like what you're doing right now. The stuff is looking great." 

"Thanks lad."

Zayn can't help but form a tiny smile. He'd been working hard all day in the studio these days. The trio had spent countless hours recording, remixing, editing, singing all these new materials. Coming home late into the night and coming back to the studio early in the morning. Plus, their company was producing a couple of songs for a new movie and they had another project at the same time, so they had their work cut out for them. 

"Yeah mate. The inspiration bug is really hitting you and Harry" commented Liam. 

"You guys managed to write twelve songs in a span of three days. Zayn seven and Harry five. That's Beyonce shit right there mates."

The comment Liam made caught Harry's attention. The curly haired singer realized, normally it was only Liam and himself who wriote the songs. Zayn was the mixer and editor. Song writing wasn't his forte. 

Harry watched as the raven haired man leaned back on his chair with a proud grin across his face. Zayn starred at the soft overhead lighting, his smile never disappearing from his face. 

"I'm just really inspired I guess lads" Zayn shurgged. 

"Tell me, what inspired you mate." 

Zayn's smirk grew impossibly wider, "This may sound silly. And this is between the three of us okay lads" Zayn gave a look towards Harry, who nodded in agreement. 

"I think I'm in love." 

Liam grew into a smile, "Wow, congrats mate! Umm, do we know this person?" 

"It's Niall." 

Harry who was leaning his body against the mixing board, fell over and collisioned hard against the floor. 

"Are you alright?" asked Zayn, looking over to where Harry fell. 

Harry lets out a grunt and got up on his feet, "Yeah. yeah. Everything is peachy. So, back to the conversation, which Niall are you in love with mate? Is it that Niall Furgerson fellow. Yeah he writes really well. I have his contacts if you want, he came to my concert a few years back, got me an autograph on his bo-" 

"Not that Niall, Harry!" 

Zayn placed his head between his hands, "It's the football player Niall. He's so bloody cute. I watched him practice a couple of times, he's like an angel. Gorgeous face, fit body, and that nice ass. Would love to tap that." 

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