Chapter 9

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"Did you hear, Harry Styles got into a car accident in Paris!" 

"Oh of course! Poor lad, he was so young and handsome too. I read he was trying to save a couple of paparazzi on the road, and got hit by a truck!"

"Really!? Star magazine reported he tried to kill himself!" 

"Only god know! Anyways, he's so gorgeous and his music is really good. I guess it's true, the 27 year old rock star curse!" 

"I hope not. He looks so nice. Needs a proper wash. But he's like a good role model."

Niall listened on to the two female passengers gossip about his husband's current situation. The poor man was absolutely shattered inside. He was trying his best to bottle all his emotions in the flight to Paris. No one wants to see a crying man, especially not in a plane. Everywhere he went today, the newspaper, the television, plastered in bold headlining news about his husband's accident.  

How do you feel if you saw your husband's face and body bloody body plastered all over the news. 

And it killed him that he was the last person in the world to got the news.

He was Harry's husband, for god damn sake! He should be the first to know. 


 1 day before...

After celebrating their win, Niall headed home alone as usual. He lets out a tired yawn as he slipped off his shoes at the entrance. 

He was dead tired from running around in the field all day, the team they faced was absolutely on point that day. Both teams were on the offence and they had to chase the ball up and down the field countless times during the match. Niall could feel his feet practically thanking him for mercy as he tucked in his soft bunny slippers. Luckily for him, after every match, the team has a day off to recuperate and rest, before they continue training for the next match. 

His body was so sore. He wished Harry was here, his baby would normally give Niall a good back rub after every match until Niall falls asleep. Niall loved getting pampered by Harry. 

Once he reached the master bed room, Niall slipped off his clothes and laid on the bed bare, the poor Irishman knocked out before he even managed to take off his socks.


Niall woke up at two in the afternoon the next day. Kinda weird, cause he normally would wake up at three after a match. The Irishman proceeded to the entrance to retrieve his bag. He was dead tired, he could still use another three or four hours in bed cuddling with Mr.Stylesbunny, but he has to do his laundry and house chores, they weren't going to do it by themselves.

Niall took the bag and proceeded to the empty the contents in the washing machine.

The dirty socks that smelled like feet.

His work out shorts, make sure there's no money inside.

Niall dug into the bag again, making sure there  was no more items in the bag before he chugged it in the washer. 

"Oh shit, my phone!" Niall silently thanked the gods, he'd forgotten about his iphone out of the secret compartment in his leather gym bag. 

Niall always had a bad habit of forgetting things where he put it. 

Niall unlocked the phone. The Irishman furrowed his brows as he looked at the notification screen, Wow! 173 Watsapp Messages. 44 Missed Calls. Niall scrolled down the call screen, all the missed calls were from his family members and Harry's. Niall cocked an eyebrow. 

Did something happened? 

The irishman pressed the diall button on his phone, he could hear Anne's ringtone humming in his ear. 

"Hello mom? You called" he asked "Sorry, I had a match. And I was dead tired from last night. So whats up?" 

Niall clasped the phone closer to his ear as he heard Anne soft sobs from the other other end,  "Niall it's Harry dear" he heard Anne escaped a sob.

"What?! What happened to Harry?" Niall could feel the hairs on the back of his neck rise.

"He got into a car accident." 

Niall literally felt his heart missed a couple of beats. 

"He got into a car accident in Paris." sob "All of us are already here in the hospital, we've already booked a  ticket for you to Paris."

"Niall, Harry needs you." 






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