chapter 12

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"I have absolutely no bloody idea who those people are" Harry said angrily to his mom. 

Anne winced as he heard her son's voice echoed in the room, "I know you are very confused right now Harry, but you honestly didn't have to be so rude at them."

"I can do the hell I want" replied Harry softly, "they're probably just a bunch of gold diggers, thinking they know me, when they don't."

Gemma crossed her arms as watched her younger brother vent off. Harry was just as the doctor described, he was angry, confused and most of all a raging dickhead. Gemma remained in her seat, unable to do anything right now. She shouldn't be mouthing off to her brother, the doctor strictly told everyone not to put any additional unnecessary stress on the singer. 

"What do you remember Harry?" asked Gemma softly. 

"I remember everything fine."

Harry eyed his big sister, a confused look plastered on his face, "When did you dye your hair blonde? I thought you liked being a brunette." 

"Yesterday, actually." she lied, Gemma placed a hand above her heart, cold realization hit her, she has been a blonde for like a year or so, and before that she had purple hair for close to a year and before that she dyed her hair black. 

"Oh my god!" 

Gemma clasped a hand over her mouth. 

Harry and Anne gave a look towards Gemma, "Honey what's wrong?" asked Anne softly. 

Gemma shook herself, "Harry, can you stay here for a while, I need mom know...for woman stuff." 

Harry shot her a disgusted look, "Ew..."

Gemma pulled her mom and the pair exited the ward, leaving Harry alone again. Once they were outside, there was only Niall waiting outside with eager eyes. All of their other relatives had already returned to their hotels, they would be leaving for Ireland the next morning. Earlier on when Niall's family  entered Harry's ward, the singer was enraged by their presence and told security to throw them out of the hotel. Harry spat at them like they were scums of the earth. Only Niall waited. 

For five hours. 

"What happened in there?" asked a desperate Niall. 

Anne wrapped a comforting arm around her son-in-law, she felt so bad for him. When Harry saw him earlier, he spat at the poor Irishman and launched multiple curses at him, demanding Niall to be kicked out of the hospital or else he will sue him. 

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