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"Bye mama, daddy. I'll see you when I see you" ujar Adrian sambil melambai-lambai. Inara dan Hyun Seol turut membalas lambaian tersebut sebelum keluar dari perkarangan sekolah Adrian.

Keadaan diam seketika. Inara khusyuk mendengar berita sambil menulis sesuatu di ipad miliknya. Hyun Seol berdehem, cuba meredakan keadaan.

Inara menoleh ke arah lelaki itu. "How about us? Should we stay like this again? After all, the situation had changing" bicara Hyun Seol.

Inara berhenti dari menulis. Hyun Seol di sisinya dipandang. "Then what? Nothing changes. They all belong to me. I can pay you for compensation" balas Inara.

Mendengar kata-kata Inara, Hyun Seol sedikit terasa. Masakan tidak, kedua-dua zuriat tersebut darinya.

"That's doesn't sound right. By now, you should already notified that I have the same custody to Adrian and to this baby" balas Hyun Seol.

" Then how to explain your inappropriate action back then in August 2021? I deeply understood that  the action was completely wrong by law"

Hyun Seol senyum ala kadar. "In Korea, raping someone in the influence of alcohol can be used as legal defense"

Inara mengerutkan dahinya. Terus dia mencari maklumat tambahan mengenai hal itu.

"Eventhough it's legal, don't ever think that I let it be easy. I didn't planned for Adrian to stay for long time in Korea" balas Inara.

Hyun Seol mendengus. "Instead of focusing on this things, why not we take turns to take care Adrian and the babies? Or how about getting married?"


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