Hood vibes Twenty Three

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"Your total balance will be $76.28." The light skin heavyset woman replied while eyeing trey. Trey brushed the woman off and pulled his visa card from his wallet while managing not wake aurora whom was sleeping on his shoulder. Since it was a chip, all he had to do was stick it up in the thing. Afterwards he put in his pin and when the transaction processed and went through he took it out. Looking up, he saw the woman eyeing anais like she had a problem. Anais wasn't paying any attention either, when was she ever, but instead she was too focused on keeping aumurie in the cart. She wanted to get out and run.

"Excuse me ma'am but direct your stank ass attitude somewhere else and give me my receipt." Trey naturally blurted out. The woman snaked her neck toward trey and so did anais.

"Who do you think you are talking to boy?" The woman asked catching more of an attitude. Trey pursed his lips and stepped back, cause he knew if he was any closer to this fat ass woman than he was gonna end up punching her in that fat ass neck of hers, Anais smirked a little, she knew that trey quick tempered ass was trying his best to be nice.

She stepped up in front of him and spoke, "Excuse me ma'am, i'm sure he didn't mean any harm-"

"I'm very impatient and you holding people up sir, give me my receipt or so help you god." Trey snapped.

"Is there a problem over here sir?" A security guard walked up with a walkie talkie in hand. He was looking between the three of them.

"Yeah, this man over here refuses to give me my receipt. I got places to go and big bird over here playing games." Trey responded. The officer chuckled lightly and then coughed like he was trying to cover it up.

"Thomesha you stay doing this, give the man his receipt, you see he has kids." The security guard replied.

"I see why she mad, I'll be too with that ratchet ass name." Trey replied as anais stepped up to receive the receipt.

They were able to leave after that, but not without trey saying something. "She better be glad I ain't knock some of that weight off her body. Fat ass." Trey rambled as he adjusted aurora so that she wouldn't keep sliding all over the place. Anais chuckled to herself.

"Trey you are so mean oh my god." Anais said in disbelief. "Maybe she cant help it if she is fat." She added.

"Okay and that ain't my fucking problem. She look like she been eatin' toddlas." Trey was quick to respond. Trey popped the trunk with a press of an button. Anais put the girls in their seats while Trey loaded the groceries into the trunk of the car. After he was done he pushed the cart in a nearby empty parking space because he didn't have the patience to push it to the cart center.

"I'm cooking cause you just might poison the food as mad as you are." Anaís said strapping herself in. Trey failed to respond, instead he started the car. He can't believe he let that big ass man bitch make him mad. He had such a temper, his mother told him that he needed to see a therapist, at first he thought she aint know what she was talking about, now he was really thinking on that.

"You was gon cook anyway." Trey mumbled in reply a few minutes later. Anaís looked up at him in confusion because she really wasn't paying trey any attention. She was too busy entertaining meyki.

"huh?" she questioned.

"I saaaaaaiidddddd, youuuu waaassss gooo-" Trey started to answer as if she was slow again. Anaís smacked his arm and threw her head back in laughter.

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