Hood Vibes Twenty- One

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Anajay was sitting in the living room in her fluffy chair scrolling through fashion Nova on her iPad air adding once another pair of jeans to her check-out cart. She had the tv playing in the background on BET but she didn't know what was playing because she wasn't paying no attention to it.

Levi was out somewhere, he said that he was out handling business but Anajay knew better and she knew that he was most likely out entertaining some goofy ass bitch. She didn't know why she haven't left him yet. Maybe because she was still waiting around to see if he was ever going to be faithful. Or maybe because she loved spending his money.

A notification came in on her iPad, a text from Amber. She opened the message.

Anajay sat her iPad in the chair and got up and skipped to her and Levi's shared bedroom. Amber didn't have to bribe her with food because she was going to be come anyways but the food was just extra motivation. Anajay and Amber had always been close but ever since shit popped off five months ago and Jordyn cut ties with everyone, even her, they have became closer. She wasn't worried about Jordyn like everyone else was because she knew her cousin and she knew that she was out there bettering herself and making money moves. Plus she had talked to avori a little over two weeks ago and he told her that they were doing good plus she was pregnant again. Going on six months. She was told not to tell anyone because no one else knew but Trey. She couldn't wait until Jordyn's little break was over so she could see her fat ass and rub her belly and junk. She was missing her god daughters too.

Stripping from her shorts and tank top, she put on a cute long sleeved shirt and a pair of fashion Nova jeans that fit her like a glove. She slipped on her UGGs since it was mid October and was getting chilly outside. Her natural hair, she put it in a lazy puff on top of her head. After that she grabbed her phone, keys, and Louis Vuitton bag and was in her way.

1: 23 pm
Cole Residence

It didn't take long for Anajay to get to Amber's place when she pulled in, she saw another car in the driveway and she assumed that Taylor and Kaydrn were in the house. They were probably playing the game. Anajay rung the doorbell and waitee until someone came and opened the door. That someone was Kaydrn.

"Hey Kaydrn." Anajay simply greeted with a small smile.

"Wassup with your fine ass? You finally came to see me?" Kaydrn inquired as he let Anajay past and closed the door. He leaned up against the wall just as anajay turned to him.

"No I didn't." Anajay smiled as she curved Kaydrn and walked ahead of him to the living room where Taylor and Jaylin were watching the warriors game from last night since they both missed it while working. Jaylin was smart enough to record it.

"Hey Taylor and Jaylin why you leave my sister in the room by herself." Anajay questioned jaylin. Jaylin continued to sip on his tea as he looked at her. He sat the cup down. "She said she was cool in the bed, she threw up this morning and don't feel good."

"Alright." Anajay headed toward the back. Kaydrn eyed her retreating figure as she headed up the staircase toward the master bedroom.

"Damn she fine." Kaydrn said as he plopped beside Taylor on the sofa.

Anajay opened the door to the master bedroom and sees amber all bundled up under her covers looking at something on the tv. Her hair was in a high ponytail on top of her her head. Her face was makeup free. Besides the bags under her eyes, her friend was still glowing and she looked good.

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