Hood Vibes Twelve

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Q?- Jaborian (jaybee) or Avori?

🌷 Amber 🌷

"Everytime I see you, you taking pictures." My boyfriend of a year and some change came up behind me and wrapped his arms around my waist and placed his head in the crook of my neck. He started placing little butterfly kisses on my neck as I captured more pictures of us together.

"I love you." He mumbled into my neck while rocking us back and forth. I turned my head to kiss his lips.

"I Love you too baby." I smiled.

"I love you more." He coed kissing my lips, then tip of my nose and then lastly my forehead.

"No I think I got ya beat." I smiled like a big kid.

🌸 Jordyn 🌸
> Two Weeks Later <

I had been settled in my house after two weeks and honestly I was loving it. I loved the area that the neighborhood was in, I loved that it was quiet and that my neighbors were far away. Aurora and Aumurie were enjoying the house as well, it took them a couple of days to get adjusted to the house, they wouldn't move off the sofa at first but now they were everywhere and in everything.

The three of us were sitting on the sofa watching Moana. They had seen it a thousand times but it seems like they never got tired of it. I honestly liked the movie. That, tangled, and the princess and the frog, I could watch those movies countlessly.

My phone ring and I looked at the coffee table to see that my mama was face timing me. I accepted the call and her face appeared on the screen.

"Hey mama." I smiled while adjusting the way I was holding the phone.

"soooo I was thinking, jaylin graduates in a couple of months and I was thinking about buying jaylin another car. I just don't know what to get him, you know him better than I do sooo..." She rambled.

I was already honestly thinking about getting him a house or a car when he graduated but since my mother already had the car idea then I narrowed my choice down to a house. He deserved it, he was graduating from Georgia State Salutatorian and I couldn't be prouder.

"Yeah I'm down for it. He's had your old car since he graduated from high school. He likes range rovers, Audi, Teslas, the list goes on. He doesn't like a specific brand." I told our mom.

"Well when are you free because I'm off all week?" She asked? I thought back to my schedule this week.

"Weeeelll I have a Skype meeting tomorrow, also I have homework that I need to finish and submit tomorrow, wensday I have a meeting with my contractor about my salon. Thursday I'm grocery shopping then I'm free and then Friday I'm taking the girls to avori's then I'm free." I recited my whole schedule.

"We'll do Friday then." She said something to rahm behind her and then she hung up in my face. Damn no bye? No love you? Gesh.

💔 August A. Alsina 💔

"Baybeh you wan' my special blueberry pancakes or you wan' my special chocolate chip waffles?" I asked zadiya as she watched Teen Titans Go on Cartoon Network. I was out of her favorite cereal, I was gonna just have to get it later. She turned around and put her finger up to her chin making the hmm sound.

Hood Vibes 2 (DISCONTINUED)Where stories live. Discover now