The crew is back at it again, this time grown up and living their lives. Secrets, lies, and pasts will be revealed. And with that brings drama.
If you thought Hood Vibes One was good, then you got another thing coming.
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• | a v o r i m e c k e n i | •
The waitingroomwasfilledwithnothingbutsadness, anger, andmostimportantlyfear. Fear of losing her, fear of never seeing her again, fear of never hearing her voice again. Avori sat in the far corner away from everyone staring at the wall across from him at nothing in particular. The pain in his heart had him numb from head to toe. His chest was tight and his throat was sore from crying for three hours straight.
She had been in surgery for a little over four hours and every passing minute, it got harder for avori to breathe.
"That's my fucking sister bro." Jaylin bawled as Taylor rubbed his back. He was so stupid, this whole thing was his fault, he blamed himself. If he had never convinced her to come when she clearly said that she didn't want to come. Now there was a possibility that his sister could be dead and it was going to be all his fault.
"Her daughters won't have a mother because of me." Jaylin sobbed.
"Don't say that bro she ain't dead. It wasn't your fault your sister dumb." Taylor said while shaking his head. He had faith in God and he knew that he wouldn't take Jordyn from them without serving her purpose
"Where she at! Where the fuck my best friend at!" Trey stormed into the waiting room. His eyes bloodshot from crying on the way over here. He was done crying though he was angry as hell and he wanted answers. Amber had texted him first saying that she got shot but he didn't believe it until avori called him bawling saying that Jordyn was shot. He had no choice but to leave the girls with anaís because he was really about to cut the fuck up if he ain't get some answers.
"Sir you have to calm down." Security rushed over to him.
"Don't fucking touch me! Where is she?" Trey yelled looking around the room at all the tear stained faces. "Trey calm down she's in surgery right now." Ma rushed to his air and held him back.
"Who did it? Who did it man?" Trey broke down falling to the ground causing ma to break down as she walked away. Amber rushed to console Trey. She had to be the strongest one next to Taylor.
"Family of Jordyn Cole." The doctor came out holding his clipboard. Avori was the first one up, everyone else came seconds later.
"Jordyn slipped away from us twice but we were able to revive her and she is now stable. We were able to remove all three bullets successfully without any complications. Also due to her losing an enormous amount of blood we had to do a blood transfusion and it went successfully She is now under heavy medication and won't be up until another hour or so." The dark skinned bald headed man informed everyone. It seemed like a weight was lifted off of everyone's shoulders and they all seemed to relax a bit.