Hood Vibes Twenty Six

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This book about to end soon. Probably in the next 8-10 chapters so these chapters might be long as fuck. I'm thinking 10-15k words depends.


THE weekend was over and school rolled around quickly

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THE weekend was over and school rolled around quickly. Today it was extra cold outside so she was bundled up. Her and Jordyn had went shopping and of course Jordyn ran up a bag on Anaís. She got her all types of clothes, eight new pairs of shoes, and designer bags. Anaís was more than grateful even though she was far from materialistic and would've been fine with something regular or some things from the goodwill. That's where she got most of her clothes from anyways.

They even went to get their nails and feet done, and she even convinced Anaís to try a lace frontal wig. It was safe to say that Anaís looked good as hell.

She kept it basic with her fit. She wore a black Nike jogger and hoodie combo, her brand new Jordan 12 retro black dark concords, with a purple and black windbreaker over the top of the hoodie. Her lace frontal was 30 inches in the color 27 with 613 highlights in the front. She accessorized with some gold jewelry and put on a little lipgloss, grabbed her school bag and was about the door since Trey was dropping her off because Avori and Jordyn had a doctors appointment and wouldn't make it in time if they dropped both the girls and Anaís out.

Trey parked in front of the apartment building since he didn't have a key fob to get into the garage. It took her five minutes to make it to the car. She was still hurt from the past events of Saturday and didn't really want to see Trey at the moment but it is what it is.

She hopped in the car swiftly and closed the door. She used one hand to fasten the seatbelt while her occupied hand replied to Cartier's text about taking her out.

She didn't know how to feel about him, especially now that her and Trey had sex. In the back of her mind she thought that there could be a relationship in the near future with Trey and she didn't want to mess that up. She liked Cartier but he always seemed a bit too thirsty for her liking. Plus she liked her men a little bit darker and Trey was brown skinned.

Once fastened, Anaís used both her hands to text her friends completely disregarding the fact that she hadn't spoken to Trey. He wasn't gonna let that shit slide much longer because the first thing he did was snatch her phone and look at it. He wanted to know what was so important in her phone that she couldn't acknowledge him when she got into his damn car.

"What the fuck is wrong with you Trey? Give me my phone!" Anaís cursed, she found herself doing more of that being around him and dealing with his childish ass ways. She reached for her phone but Trey turned it the other way.

"I'll throw this bitch out the window." He threatened. Anaís settled back into the seat.

"Why are you like this?" Anaís asked with an attitude. Even with a scowl etched on her face she was still beautiful to Trey.

"So you gone act like you ain't just hop in my muthafucking car and not say nothing to me? But you sitting here texting this lame, corny, scarecrow body built ass nigga back. You think this shit funny and yo ass finna be catching Marta to school." Trey went the slap the fuck off. He didn't even care about the nigga what he cared about was his fucking respect. He had a whole class at 1 and he could've stayed sleep, instead he decided to help Jordyn out and get up early as the bird getting the worm and come way across town to come get this girl.

"You're literally doing the most...." Anaís trailed off while staring at him blankly. She didn't understand why his attitude was so funky in the morning. Those words seemed to tick him off and he started to show his ass in the middle of midtown.

"Get the fuck out my shit." Trey snapped taking off his seatbelt. He reached over and pushed open the door for her. "You got me fucked up shawty get the fuck out find a way to school." He ranted as he proceeded to unbuckle her seatbelt and shove the girl.

"Trey stop what are you doing." Anaís shouted as tears welled up in her eyes. She was so sensitive and she hated being yelled at. He tossed her book bag and phone in the street completely ignoring her cries.

"Bitch get out my shit!" He snapped giving her another shove. This time the seatbelt could've save her and she ended up halfway falling out the car. Anaís was humiliated because there were people watching the encounter and she was hurt with the way Trey was acting and putting his hands on her was an all time low.

Crying she managed to get up and gather her things and Trey took no time to speed off. Her hand was skinned up from breaking her fall against the asphalt. Her phone, which wasn't damaged before the incident was now cracked. She was more hurt mentally from the incident than physically.

Completely embarrassed, she scurried back into the building and back up to the apartment. She cried the whole way up there, didn't even care about the weird stares or concerned looks.

Going into the bathroom she went to treat her wounded hand. She washed it first then cleaned it with some peroxide since there was no rubbing alcohol in sight. Next she put Neosporin on it and bandaged her hand up. She dried the tears from her face before exiting the bathroom and going to grab her now cracked phone. She was upset because Jordyn had just gifted her this phone.

She tried her best to text Jordyn and let her know the events that had just transpired without cutting her fingers on the sharp glass.

Jordyn called her less than 30 seconds later.

"He did WHAT?" Were the first words out her mouth.


Anaís didn't make it to school until ten oh two by that time she had missed first period and second period was due to start in three minutes. Since she didn't have a phone at the moment she couldn't let Meyki or

Hood Vibes 2 (DISCONTINUED)Where stories live. Discover now