Hood Vibes Prologue

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Hood Vibes Prologue | Most Wanted

🍉Jordyn Marie Cole 🍉

(Two Years Later)

"I'm having a fourth of July cookout. I expect you to be here with my grand babies." My mother spoke through facetime. I rolled my eyes.

"Why would I not bring my children mama?" I asked. Sometimes she doesn't use her brain I swear. She cracked a smile and rolled her eyes.

"Cause you know Avori gonna be there. You still running away from that man? He needs to know about his children." My mother ranted. I rolled my eyes.

"Mama you forget, Avori cut me off. Not the other way around. He changed his number, he blocked me from every social media sight. What more can I do?" I cried out in frustration. Its like he completely cut me out of his life. I couldn't blame him though.

"Right. But that's still no excuse." She replied. Damn what she want me to do email the damn man! I don't even have that shit.

"I hear you." I mumbled opening a package that I got in the mail today. It was some business cards for my clothing line.

"Yeah right. Anajay landed today." She said. I stale faced her.

"Okay...." I strung out. My mother sighed.

"Y'all still haven't made up, Jordyn it's been two years. You don't come to any family events anymore and the only time I see you is when you come to Atlanta to check on your shop or when we face timing." My mother whinned. I began to feel bad a little bit because that was true.

"Ma' it ain't my fault the bitch wanna be petty. I mean that bitch literally changed her school cause I wasn't there when she was running her mouth and them hoes jumped her ass. I ain't finna kiss her ass mama, I'm sorry." I went off. I took the cards out the box and examined them, they were perfect.

"Stop calling her out her name." My mother laughed.

"Alright. Imma fly out tomorrow I promise."I promised. My mama's face lit up.

"Okay. I got to go cause raim is here." My mother said. Raim was my mother's boyfriend, they had been together for a year and overall he was a cool dude.

"Alright mama hit me up later." I said pressing the end button. I placed my phone down and carried the box of business cards to the living room and sat them on the coffee table.

A lot has happened in the past two years. I gave birth to two beautiful girls. Aumurie Marie Cole and Aurora Denise Cole. Aumurie and Aurora got their names from my mother, she was originally going to name maiya and I those names. Aumurie has my middle name and Aurora has my mothers.

The only people that knew I had children was Hazel because she lived with us, my mother, and my brother. I didn't post my life on social media anymore. My mother didn't even tell anyone. Mind you, I haven't been to a family even in two years. For Christmas and Thanksgiving I would visit my mother the day after.

As for my business I was the owner and CEO of my own clothing company Aumurie&Aurora and also my clothing line. Business was booming and already I was making over two hundred and fifty thousand a year. Thanks to kain, he's the one who gave me a hundred thousand to jump start my business.

I also own three stores, one here in California, one in New York, and one being built in Atlanta. Business was good and my paycheck was even better. Ya bitch was paid.

The door to our house opened and Hazel came in with her gym bag over her shoulder and her work out clothes on.

"Its so damn hot out there even a bitch hair was sweating." Hazel said closing the door and dropping her bag by the door.

"Fashoo. My cards came in today." I said waving one in the air. She came and took the card and started to examine it.

"Oh this is cute. The twins sleep?" Hazel asked. I nodded and took the card back placing it back into the box with the others.

"Yup. The babysitter said they acted a ass today." I chucked. Hazel laughed.

"They got that from Avori." She said grabbing some water from her bag. She unscrewed the cap and gulped it down.

"I'm flying out to my mothers for the fourth. She expects me to be there, I know for a fact that she invited everyone." I rolled my eyes.

"Damn. I'll go with you if you want." Hazel suggested.

"Like you have a choice. Mama want you there too." I said. Hazel chuckled and filled her water bottle at the sink.

"Well I'll get my things ready." Hazel said. Hazel and I had been real tight ever since we moved out here. She became my sister and was here through it all. My pregnancy, my nasty break up with Rahquise, the start of my business, my mood swings, the late night crying sessions, EVERYTHING! Hell she even takes care of my children like they're her own. Thats why she's God mama.

What's mine is hers.

"Okay." I replied putting the cards back into the box. I looked at the clock on the side table and noticed that it was six pm Californian time. Getting up, I slid my slides back on my feet before going upstairs and to the twins room.

They we're sound asleep. I went and grabbed their Duffel bag, designed by me and grabbed a couple of outfits and plenty of diapers and shoes for them. I grabbed their wipes and other hygiene products and packed them too.

"Okay we leave at nine pm. Three hours baby girl." Hazel said peaking her head into the room.

"Alright let me text my mother." I said taking out my phone. I sent a quick text to my mother and then slid my phone back into my pocket.

I sat their bag outside their door and went to my own room to get ready. I grabbed my Nike bag and begun to pack my clothes. I was only planning on staying there for a week.


what do yall think ? Am i off to a good start?

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