Hood Vibes Two

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Hood Vibes Two | Get Away

🍉Jordyn 🍉

One Week Later

I sipped on my red wine as I skimmed through a Vogue magazine looking for my next burst of inspiration. It was ten o'clock on a Friday and Hazel was out on a date and the twins were sleeping so I had a little me time to myself. Plus it was raining so it was chill.

My iPhone vibrated on the table and I seen that I had a face time call from August, I scrunched my eyebrows up in confusion. I haven't talked to him since my mom's cookout. I answered his call and his face appeared on the screen.

"Wassup woe." He greeted as soon as the call connected.

"I'm chillin'. Wassup?"

"Nun I jus' callin ta check up on my baybeh's. What they doin'?" August said.

"They sleep right now. Nigga you ain't in school no more, fly out here." I said. He dropped out of school because he had to take care of his child. The baby that Maria was carrying was indeed his. I found out Friday that Maria died after having the baby. It was sad because the baby wasn't going to have a mother but then again, she got what she deserved.

Like I said in the beginning, you cross Jordyn and karma comes to bite you in the ass.

"I ain't big ballin' like you, I don't get my paycheck til next week." August chuckled. I rolled my eyes and Readjusted my phone in my other hand.

"Tell you what I'll fly all y'all out here to chill, since our last time was so rudely interrupted." I said referring to Avori.

"Alright, then you can meet Zadiya." August said. There was some shifling on the other end then he flipped the camera. A little girl, no older than two years old was was sitting in a pink plastic chair watching tv. She was dressed in a pink Tutu and had a crown on her head.

"She's so cute." I coed. She looked back a the the sound of my voice and I could tell that she got most her looks from Maria but she most definitely got her hair and skin tone from August.

He flipped the camera back so that it was on him and he smiled.

"Dats my baybeh." He said. I smiled.

"Bet she get her smart ass mouth from you huh?" I asked him. He started to laugh.

"Hell yeah. Tol' her ta pick up her shoes and she asked me why I couldn't do it. I forgot she was a child fo' a second." He told me and we shared a laugh.

We stayed on face time for about an hour until he had to put Zadiya down to bed. I placed my phone on the side table and took one last sip of wine before getting up and tossing the rest down the drain in the kitchen sink. I rinsed the cup out and sat it in the drying rack to dry.

I grabbed my phone from the table and made sure that the doors and windows were locked before I flicked the lights off and headed up stairs.

I checked on the babies before going next door to my room. I stripped down free of all my clothes before taking the baby monitor into the bathroom. Standing in the bathroom mirror. I put my hair up before placing the shower cap on my head. I took my jewelry off before storing it in the plastic container that I had full of jewelry.

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