𝐜𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝐬𝐢𝐱

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'Hiram Schenck

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'Hiram Schenck.'

THOSE WORDS resonated around the room. No one really said anything as Feodora pronounced those words. Of course, Valentina thought to herself. She should have known that this weasel was behind this mess. It was not the first time Schenck had tried to rid Ketterdam of gangs. He had tried in her father's time, although that had been a while ago, and had failed spectacularly but clearly he thought he would try again. The room was silent. The two leaders were deep in thought and no one said anything until they had figured it out.

It was Kaz who spoke first, 'are you sure?' he asked.

Feodora and Inej looked at each other, wondering who would answer first. Finally it was Feodora who spoke.

'What?' She asked Kaz.
'Are you sure, this is Hiram Schenks doing?'
'Of course we are,' interrupted Inej, 'Kaz you know I would never give you faulty information. Yes this is Hiram Schenks doing. Plus I have a girl from the Menagerie keep tabs on him,' she said.

Feodora wondered how Inej managed to get word to a girl from the menagerie considering she had not let her out of her sight, but she figured it was best not to ask any questions.

Valentina had not said anything yet. Anger was boiling inside of her. Why could they not be left to live their lives in peace? Although peace in Ketterdam was hard to achieve, she had risen through the ranks of the Dragon's and her father had rewarded her. All she cared about was her people's well being. It was clear that something had to be done.

'So, what do we about this?' Asked Valentina. She had stood up from where she was sat and had made her way to face the window. She was watching the innocent passers intensely. Most of them were tourists as the locals were already in the gaming rooms. These people just had no idea what really was going on.

'Yes, we aren't going to stand by and do nothing right?' Replied Theoden. Ketterdam was Valentna's home as much as it was everyone else's and he was surprised that nothing had been planned rid Ketterdam of the threat.

'We need to come about this a practical way,' said Kaz all of a sudden. He had been practically invisible this whole time. 'This needs to be carefully planned, we can't just roll up to Schencks's house and take out his kneecaps. He will just come back stronger and more annoyed,' he said, 'we need to work this out, and fast.'

'I agree,' said Jesper, 'and I vote that we get explosive expert, every job needs a good explosive expert!' Jesper looked around the room with a large smile on his face but no smiled back at him. Kaz even looked like he was going to whack him with his crow headed cane. Valentina felt it was best to leave Kaz to answer his man's question.

'Jesper, I've told you enough times that we do not need an explosive expert, yet very job we take you ask for one. Now shut up, and try to be useful,' he said. Jesper did as he was told. He did not say another word and just followed the orders he was given. He did not want to anger the boss anymore.

𝑯𝑬𝑳𝑳 𝑩𝑹𝑬𝑨𝑲 𝑳𝑶𝑶𝑺𝑬  ━━━━ kaz brekkerWhere stories live. Discover now