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I woke up and turned my alarm off, sleepily rubbing my eyes. As I walked over to get in the shower I grabbed my phone wondering if she had said anything else while I was asleep...she hadn't. Sighing I tossed my phone over onto the bed and hopped in the shower.

After I had gotten ready and eaten breakfast I was taken to school 30 minutes earlier than usual givingnme enough time to get to Ririka's office and still make it to class in time.

I slowly crept to the Vice President's office door before I knocked earning a reply from a robotic voice saying come in. When I walked in there she was, the Vice President sitting in her chair looking at me with that annoying mask of hers on.

"Um, you wanted to see me Vice President?"

"Call me Ririka and yes I wanted to ask you about something." She said to me as she removed her mask.

She was so cute, not as scary as the President at all. Her cheeks were pink and she had big beautiful blue eyes, she looked so fragile and innocent. I felt my face heat up before I relaxed and shook it off.

"What did you want to know exactly?" I said with a shaky voice trying to comprehend how one person could be so cute.

"U-u-um, w-well I w-was wondering i-if maybe you wanted to b-be f-friends?" She looked away shyly.

"Oh, of course I would." She looked back at me but with a smile. She ran up to me hugging me a lot tighter than I thought she would.

"T-too tight-." I gasped.

"O-oh I-i'm s-so sorry!" She moved away with a worried expression on her face. I chuckled in response and we talked more afterwards.


3rd POV

As Y/N walked to the lunch room they were stopped by Ririka. They ended up having lunch together in Ririka's office and left school early to go shopping.

While they were gone Kirari was looking through Y/N's student file. She didn't like the fact that Ririka had another friend and didn't bother telling Kirari about it, she though Mary was enough yet Ririka decided to become friends with another person.

It was night by the time you and Ririka were done shopping. Taking Y/N back to her house Ririka decided to ask if it was okay to have you over for the night since it was late. You didn't mind and said yes.

You talked with eachother and watched a few movies before you fell asleep. She hadn't noticed until you wouldn't answer her question that she kept repeating. Her heart race sped up but slowly went down as she relaxed and turned everything off so she too could fall asleep.

☁︎Saturday morning☁︎

When you awoke you realized that you were sleeping on top of Ririka. Startled and embarrassed you scrambled off the bed but instead fell off making a thud sound and waking Ririka up.

"Oh my goodness Y/N are you alright?" She went to help you up off the floor as you rubbed your head.

"Yeah I'm alright sorry for waking you.."

Kirari's POV

I was doing some more Student Council work in my room when I heard a thud coming from Ririka's room.

I figured it was her and she just fell off the bed. I decided to double check when heard her asking if someone was okay. It was Y/N who had fallen, I forgot she was even her. It's 2 now so I figured she was gone by now, I guess I was wrong.


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Another chapter done yay.

Anyways after this book what should I write next?

Word count: 640

𝐘𝐨𝐮 𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝐌𝐞 Ririka X (Fem) ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now