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~Ririka's POV~

She left me....forever. She looked like she didn't even care. I never should have listened to Kirari. Now I've lost Y/N forever.

I walked into my bathroom starting the water for my bath.

"Maybe a nice warm bath will help." I slowly stepped into the warm water sitting down thinking about everything that happened.

Deep inside my thoughts I was brought out of them when I heard a knock and Kirari's voice speak through the door.

"I have something for you, it's from Y/N."

I didn't know what to say, what was it, why did Y/N want to give it to me, why didn't she give it to me herself?

"J-just set it on my nightstand."

When I heard her walk out of my room I quickly got out of the bath and went to look at what was given to me. It was a letter.

Dear Ririka,

I'd like to say a few more things before I never speak to you ever again. I'd like you to know that you were a horrible girlfriend. I absolutely hated being with you, you and your sister really piss me off. Your distant cousin, Yumeko, is a lot better compared to you. You're a snotty rich brat and I hope that you die a very painful and long death.

May we never speak to each other again, and may you forever rest in agony.


Tears flooded down my face, was Yumeko really that amazing? How could Y/N say such a thing to me.

I felt so hurt, so betrayed. I never took them to be such a mean person. I threw the note in the trash and cried myself to sleep.

~Kirari's POV~

I listened and smiled to myself, my plan was going exactly as I wanted it to.

Poor sister, on the bright side, now I have someone to help me permanently get rid of the eel in my aquarium.


I woke up in Yumeko's arms, I turned to face her and gently kissed the top of her forhead before her eyes opened and looked at mine.

"Did you sleep well?" I asked.

"I've never slept better." She said as she got up.

"C'mon lets go get something to eat!"

I followed her to the car as we drove to [favorite breakfast place].

~Next day~

Yumeko and I sluggishly walked into school, we had been out all day yesterday and went to bed pretty late. I was so tired I was starting to fall asleep while walking. I slammed into someone by accident which instantly woke me back up.

"I'm so sorry! I didn't see where I was going, are you okay?"

"If you're going to show up tired then don't come at all, nobody wants to see that stupid face of yours." Ririka walked past me, I was shocked. I knew I hurt her but to be that mean was awful.

Yumeko helped me up as she mocked Ririka, we continued to walk to class. As soon as we walked in Mary came right up to us, next thing I knew it I was one the ground and my nose was bleeding.

"Mary what the hell is wrong with you!" Yumeko said shoving Mary away.

"Shut it Jabami, little Y/N here deserves the beating she's about to get. You went too far this time, you really hurt Ririka with that letter you sent her and now you're gonna pay."

"Wait..what letter? I never sent her a letter."

"Liar, you did too Kirari gave it to her and said she cried the entire night after she read it."

"I'm telling you I never sent a stupid letter!" I shoved her to the ground and stood above her. "I wouldn't do such a thing to her okay, so that means someone framed me."

"Alright I get it, you didn't have to push me." Mary said while getting back up.

"Shut it Mary, you gave Y/N a bloody nose."

After a long conversation and a bunch of tissues for my bloody nose. We all agreed that someone framed me.

"What now then?" Yumeko questioned.

"I don't really know. Do you think you could tell her Mary?"

"She won't listen, I already texted her and she said I was horrible for thinking it was Kirari. Now she won't speak to me"

Why would Kirari do this to me though? I never did anything to her, I always stayed out of her way.

"I know why Kirari would do something like that. You're a big threat to the Momobami clan, you're family always has been, that's why she's trying to get everyone to hate you. So you'll leave this place." Yumeko started to explain everything.

"I'm a threat? If you ask me she's a bigger threat than I am."

"Not really, I should know I'm a distant relative of them so I used to hang out with them when we were younger. Her father would always speak to yours, trying to get him to cooperate with him. But your dad always declined saying he didn't need their help. You could buy the Momobami clan itself, you hold more power and have connections to places that they don't."

"Huh, I always that they had more connections, guess I don't have to fear as much now."

~??? POV~

I had to report to Kirari now.

Annoying, I'm not her servant! I don't even have time for this, but if I don't the start of my career will be over.

I sighed and quickened my pace, as I opened the door I was met with the cold blue eyes of Kirari.

"I've got something you might want to know."


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Trying real hard to keep this story moving!

Hope you all have a great day! Stay hydrated.

Word count: 989

𝐘𝐨𝐮 𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝐌𝐞 Ririka X (Fem) ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now