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I woke up to see Yumeko beside me, she was reading a book until she realized that I was away.

"Goodmorning" she said smiling softly at me.

"Morning" I yawned stretching before getting out of bed to go brush my teeth.

"What're we gonna do today?" I asked as I walked out of the bathroom.

"I have to meet up with Yumemi, so you can do whatever you want until I get back."

Hmm maybe I can ask Mary to hangout today.

"Okay, do you have any idea when you'll get back?"

"Maybe around 2, depends on how much Yumemi is gonna talk." She put her book down and started to get ready. In the meantime I texted Mary.

Are you doing anything today?

No, why?

I just wanted to know if you wanted to hangout today.

I guess, I'll head over in 20 minutes okay?

Okay, see you soon.

I got ready and waited until Mary showed up.

~Yumeko's POV~

"Yumemi I already told you no. We simply can't do that, how would we hide his body?"

"Ughh fine, what do you have in mind then?"

"Just talk greatly about Y/N to everyone, surely the President will have to listen and remove Kaede from the council."

"I guess that's a good idea, I'll start talking tomorrow at school when I have a concert."

"Thank you, has Kirari said anything about any plans?"

"Only on thing, she said something about turning everyone against Y/N. Which means we need to act fast with getting them onto the council board."

"Hm, I see. Kirari really needs to think of something more interesting or more challenging at best. She's losing her game."

Yumemi and I parted ways, it was only one in the afternoon so I thought I'd grab some lunch before going back home.

~Time Skip~

I explained everything to Y/N, they only nodded in approval. I had Mary try talking to all the housepets so they could vote for
Y/N as the accountant. It took a lot of convincing but eventually she obliged.

The next day was going perfect. Everyone began to talk about Y/N, wanting them to become the accountant. People were even thinking about protesting inside the school or complaing to the Student Council about it.

Kirari and Ririka specifically looked upset. They had control over the school, however with all the other Council member wanting Kaede out of there they had no other option but to make Y/N a part of the Student Council.

Soon we will be able to take down the Momobami's from the inside and outside. I particularly didn't have an interest in being the clan leader, however I'd do it just to spite Kirari. As the days passed Kirari grew more upset. Snapping at anyone about anything, she became very stressed since
Y/N joined the council. We were taking her down one step at a time and it was amusing to watch her fall apart.

𝐘𝐨𝐮 𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝐌𝐞 Ririka X (Fem) ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now