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It was the last day of school finally, students were pumped full of energy discussing what they planned on doing during their break.

I smiled excitedly as I saw my friends. Running towards them they all waved back at me.

"Heyyyy Y/N!" Yumeko, Mary, Rirka and Yumemi said in unison.

"Hey guys, what do you all plan on doing this summer?"

"I'm going around meeting famous actresses!" Yumemi said in awe.

"I'm staying out of the scorching sun." Mary responded, her face red from being outside.

"I'M GONNA GO BULLY KIDS AT THEBWATER PARK!" Yumeko screamed excitedly.

"Probably read." Ririka quietly answered.

"Sounds like fun, Yumeko I'm definitely going to join you." Yumeko smiled as we all laughed.

As the bell rang we all went to our classes, Yumeko and Mary walked with me seeing as how they were in the same class.

It's the last day of school could this be any more boring. I sighed, finally the bell rang and everyone ran out of the classroom.

"Hey Y/N, mind meeting me after school near the fountain?" Yumeko asked as she stood above me.

"Oh, yeah of course." She smiled before walking away.

I wonder what she wants. School is almost over so I'll find out pretty soon.

Sitting in my last class I heard my name being called.

"Miss Takahashi, please answer the question."

"Oh um, 67?"

"This is English. Not math."

"Oh..a noun?"

"I don't even know why I called on you." The teacher directed her attention to another student.

I thought I was in math- I've been in English this entire time?? I felt my face heat up from embarrassment. The bell finally rang and I ran out of the classroom excitedly. Finally summer could officially begin. Just then someone tapped on my shoulder. As I turned around I was met with crystal blue eyes.

"Hey Y/N m-meet me at the fountain when you can." I watched as Rirka hurriedly ran off.

Both Ririka and Yumeko want to see me by the fountain now? Weird, I wonder what they want.

I said my farewells to Yumemi wishing her good look with meeting actresses. She smiled and hugged me tightly before getting in her limo on her way to the airport.

As I turned around I was faced with Mary staring at me.

"You better come hangout with me sometime loser. Take care and call me whenever." She patted me head before walking away.

Walking over to the fountain I saw Yumeko and Ririka arguing with eachother.

"Get out of here, I'M meeting Y/N here." Yumekonsaid with her arms crossed.

"No I am. I already asked them." Ririka responded weakly.

"Well I asked them first, so scram."

"Calm down you two just tell me what you want."

They looked at each other before saying something at the same time.

"Y/N will you be my girlfriend?" They said in unison, glaring at eachother as they realized what the other had said.

I stood there in shock, both were asking me out, however I didn't know which to say yes to.

"I'm obviously the better choice Y/N, we've stuck by each other's sides for ages." Yumeko pleaded.

"No Y/N choose me, we were already together before, it was my sister that ruined it. Lets give US another chance."

"I- don't know.."

Yumeko shoved Ririka into the water.

"See I told you to leave, now she's doesn't know what to do. Good job idiot."

"Hey! It's not my fault, maybe you should back off." Ririka said her tone beginning to raise.

"Stop it you two, I'll make my decision now."

Ririka stood there patiently, he uniform now soaked from being pushed into the water.

Yumeko watched anxiously waiting for a response. She fiddled with the ring on her thumb and constantly looked around.

[End of chapter]

This chapter was a lot shorter than my other ones sorry about that. My exams are next week so I'm pretty nervous.

The next chapters will be for you to decide who you want to be with!

I hope everyone is treating themselves well, drink lots of water and eat well.

Good morning/evening/night!

Word count: 692

𝐘𝐨𝐮 𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝐌𝐞 Ririka X (Fem) ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now