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It's Monday now and I unfortunately have to face Ririka. It's not that I was afraid, I was just hurt.

As Yumeko and I walked into the school I noticed familiar long platinum hair whip around a corner.

My grip around Yumeko's arm tighten slightly.

"Relax, she won't be talking to you anytime soon."

"Thanks Yumeko."

She smiled at me as we walked into our class and sat down.

Class was boring as usual until the Student Council secretary told me to come with her. We walked in silence until we reached the doors. She opened it rushing me inside before closing the door and waiting outside.

"Welcome Miss Takahashi, I'd like to inform you that you and Ririka will be no more ever. Not as friends or anything, you will say you farewells and explain to her what I'm about to tell you in great detail."

She cleared her throat before continuing.

"I'm sorry Rirka but I just can't stand you any long, instead of just leaving at that I'll tell you why so you don't have to question everything about yourself. You're extremely annoying and look dumb without you mask on, you stutter so much I just want to smack the words out of you and the way your cheeks are always red makes you look like you just walked in freezing weather. Everything about you makes me just want to gag, this will be our farewells then. Good bye, Ririka."

"I expect you to say this word for word." She turned to look at me.

"And if I don't?"

"Simple both Yumeko and Ririka will be removed from this planet permanently."

"L-liar you would never do such a thing to your sister."

"Oh but I would, and I will." she gripped my chin to look up at her "Now do as I say."

She called to Sayaka to take me back to class. Yumeko ran up to me once she saw me, asking what happened.

I looked at her before hugging her tightly. I explained everything to her before sobbing into her shoulder.

"Nasty bitch she is, I'm sorry Y/N. Don't worry all you have to do is tell Ririka what Kirari said and you'll be fine."

"No, I won't be fine. She'll be out to get me, I should just run away now, move to Italy."

She chuckled slightly before patting my head.

"I'll be here to protect you don't worry."


Yumeko had brought me to her house again, trying to soothe me the best she could. (This is after you told Ririka everything).

"I feel horrible Yumeko, she cried so much. She was begging me not to leave her..."

"She should've thought about that first before she decided to hurt you first. Plus she called me dirty names for being by your side while all this happened, she deserves what she gets."

"Maybe, but I still feel really bad.."

"Well don't, I'm here for you and now you can be happy without her being so cruel to you."

I snuggled closer to Yumeko as we watched a horror movie before slowly drifting to sleep.

~Yumeko's POV~

I slowly crept away from Y/N, heading to the kitchen. I sat at the table and began thinking.

She's hurting right now, I don't understand why but no matter what I'll be here for her. It just doesn't feel right asking them out right after all of this, but now that Ririka is out of the picture I don't know how much longer I can contain myself.

I sighed and walked back to the living room, I looked at Y/N as they slept peacefully on the couch.

"I know I'm ready, but are you?" I questioned before I walked to my room.

"They have feelings for Ririka, I can tell...WHY CAN'T THEY HAVE THOSE FEELINGS FOR ME." I threw a vase in my room on the floor creating a loud crash.

"Great, now look at the mess I've made." I pushed a small table in my room down and sat on the floor by the broken vase.

The door opened slowly and a tired Y/N poked her head in the room.

"Yumeko? Are you okay, I heard loud noises coming from up here and- IS THAT BROKEN GLASS EVERYWHERE"

They ran to my side making sure I wasn't injured before cleaning my mess as I sat there watching.

"What happened in here?"

"I just got a little upset and tripped over the table, I tried grabbing something and ended up breaking the vase."

"Don't lie to me Yumeko, what really happened?"

"Fine you caught me, I was upset about the whole Ririka situation. You deserve so much better and I-" I paused for a second looking into their beautiful eyes before continuing "I just want to be the one who brings you happiness but I don't think now is the best time..."

"You could've just told me and asked, to be honest I think all I really need right now is you." After those words came out of her mouth she slowly crept over to me before kissing me.

~Time Skip~

I layed there in bed while Y/N was sound asleep, I felt like I had accomplished everything in life. I sighed, who knew they could do such unholy things. I giggled a little before pulling them closer and falling asleep.


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I'm sorry it's taking so long for this story to continue I've been so busy lately but luckily school is almost over and I'll have a lot of time.

Hope everyone has been doing well, eating and drinking water!

Have a great day/eveing/night!

Word count: 953

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