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~Yumeko's POV~

I sighed and sat up a little before realizing Y/N had decided to take another nap.

"Sleep much.."

They replied with a few mumbles before turning over hugging me a big tighter.

"You really are cute, too bad Ririka doesn't have you now. I have you all to myself."

I smiled to myself thinking of the horror on Ririka's face, finding out that her beloved Y/N was now mine.

"Alright enough naptime sleep head get up," I said as I shook them awake, "C'mon I wanna go somewhere."

"Ughhh nooo just a little longer.."

"No. Now get lets go "

I picked them up and threw them into the passenger seat.

"Buckle up buttercup we're going wherever we find interesting."

"Why though?"

"Because why not, have some fun, live life you boring sack of onions."


We were driving to so many places, any place I pointed at she parked and dragged me in it.

"Yumeko don't you think you're spending a little too much money?"

"Nonsense I haven't spent enough only $800 another $800 and maybe we can go back home for the day."

I sighed and nodded before being dragged into another store.

I took my phone out feeling yet another buzz from my phone.

"Really Ririka, what could you possibly want?"

As I reached to hit the call button, Yumeko took my phone and shoved it on her pocket.

"No phone. No Ririka. No. Interruptions."



~Ririka's POV~

"C'mon pick up pick up....WHY WON'T YOU JUST PICK UP THE PHONE!"

I threw my phone across the room and slid down the wall, tears filling my eyes.

"Did I hurt you that much? I'm sorry, I am....you're with Yumeko. They're with Yumeko aren't they. Stupid Yumeko."

I grabbed my phone looking at anything that I could find to show proof that Yumeko had them. Not to my surprise, she was indeed with Yumeko. They were wearing matching jamies and were having a blast. I put my phone down and layed in bed.

"Maybe I should just leave Y/N alone....I've hurt her too much, Yumeko's a lot better anyway."

~Kirari's POV~

Poor sister...she'll be fine, Y/N is worthless and soon she'll see that.

I walked away from the door with a grin on my face.

"And soon once I'm done, nobody will even want to be near Y/N."


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It's been so long aaaah

How is everyone? Doing okay? Drinking water? Eating?

I haven't been very motivated lately I apologize for taking so long with this chapter.

Have a good morning/evening/night!

𝐘𝐨𝐮 𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝐌𝐞 Ririka X (Fem) ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now