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~Ririka's POV~

Kirari and I were on our way to school, as I got out I felt someone watching. Looking around and seeing no one, I ignored it and walked to my office. 

Kirari had seemed a bit off this morning, she didn't say a word and acted as if I wasn't even there. I continued to wonder about Kirari's events while working in my office.

~Y/N's POV~

When I walked into school I didn't find Ririka anywhere, usually she would wait for me at the front of the school so I just figured she was a bit busier today and went to her office. 

I walked into class only a few minutes before the bell rang, nobody was there when I walked in though. I walked around the school looking for my class until I found some of them in the gambling den.

Everyone was crowded around a student, Jabami Yumeko was her name if I remember correctly. I heard lots of things about her but never saw her in person. 

~Time Skip~ 

I was standing at the exit of the school waiting for Ririka when I felt a tap on my shoulder. As I turned around I was met face to face with non-other than the raven haired girl herself.

"Hi! I'm Yumeko." She said as she stuck out her hand for me to shake.

"Oh um hi, I'm Y/N." 

"I was wondering if you would like to be friends, I heard you hang out with the Vice President."

"Oh, yeah I do hang out with her, we could be friends I guess."

"Wonderful! Well I've got to get home now, bye bye Y/N-san!" She shouted as she walked away from me. 

As I watched her walk away I felt arms wrap around my waist.

"Hi Ririka." I giggled as I ruffled her hair.

She mumbled out a 'hi' as she buried her head in my neck.

"Come on lets get walking, you look tired so lets just walk to your house."

~Kirari's POV~

I turned around as I heard the door open, seeing Ririka clung onto Y/N with them both giggling. Y/N stopped when they noticed me and gave me a nervous smile before I walked away. I didn't leave completely however, I stayed hidden in the other room while listened to them. 

"We could've gone to the cafe you know." Ririka said glumly.

"Yeah we could have but we didn't because you look tired and need some rest." 

"Heh alright, but I'll only rest if you come watch a movie with me upstairs in my room."

"Deal." Y/N had said as they giggled.

I could hear them going up the stairs and peeked out from the other room to see Ririka carrying Y/N bridal style, with Y/N yelling at her to put them down. 

Me being me I followed them once they were already in Ririka's room. I heard the movie playing and stayed there for a while, it must've been ages since I woke up on the floor. It was still night time and it seemed the movie was still playing.

Though the noises sounded as if they were right at the part of a romance seen where the couple starts kissing gross I thought  to myself. I figured they were asleep and went to turn off the TV, opening the door quietly, before freezing. 

It was the movie I was hearing, in fact the TV wasn't even on, it was Y/N and Ririka. I quickly but quietly closed the door. 

I had just witnessed my sister kissing and touching another girl. Not any girl, but Y/N, one of the most powerful students in my school that could easily challenge the Momobami clan, they were a threat and yet here my sister was, all over them.

I tried to erase the image of what I saw from my mind as I walked into my room. Ririka and I would unfortunately be having a talk tomorrow at school.

~Y/N's POV~

I looked over at the door, it was closed and didn't look like anything but a closed door. 

"What's the matter?" Ririka asked as she looked at the door and sitting up removing her grip on my waist.

"Nothing, I just thought I heard the door open, guess it was just my imagination."

"Oh, well if you say so, now back to what I was doing right?" She said as she smirked at me.

~Time Skip~

It was morning, I didn't even realize I had fallen asleep. I looked over seeing Ririka holding me in her sleep. I looked down and pulled the covers up, I didn't have any clothes on. 

As I got up, wrapping the covers around me, I felt Ririka grab my hand.

"Don't go.." She said as she looked at me sleepily.

"Ririka we have school come on, it's Friday so lets just get through the day and then we can hang out."

She grumbled as she sat up, rubbing her eyes and yawning.

~Ririka's POV~

As I finished getting ready I heard Y/N yell my name before bursting out of the bathroom.

"RIRIKA LOOK WHAT YOU DID!" They yelled as they pointed to all the spots that looked like little bruises. 

"I told you to not leave them in places so visible let alone THAT many!" They stopped out the room and back into the bathroom as they whined while putting her uniform on.

"Sorry I didn't mean to... but on on the bright side at least now everyone knows that you have a partner." I said ducking from the shoe they threw at me.

~Kirari's POV~

I heard Y/N yelling about something as I walked past Ririka's bedroom, I ignored the yelling and walked downstairs. Soon I wouldn't be hearing Y/N anytime soon after I talk with Ririka.

~Time Skip~

As I called for Sayaka to get Ririka I looked at the student files. Standing next to my aquarium, I pointed at a fish. 

"You will be no more Y/N Takahashi." I laughed as I heard the door open, revealing my sister and Sayaka. 

"Ah Ririka, we have quite a few things to talk about dear sister, please sit down...."


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Chapter 4 done yay

I'm trying to post as much as I can, I will let you guys know if there's gonna be a delay or anything. Anyways have a nice morning/evening/night :)

Word count: 1049

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