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~Kirari's POV~

"Thank you for telling me, you have done well. Now continue finding out whatever you can and report to me."

"Yes President."

I watched as she walked out the room, smirking to myself. I didn't think they'd be that smart to figure it out that it was me. But then again with the minds of Mary and Yumeko together plus Y/N, the game just simply isn't fair.

I called for Sayaka and gave her a few errands to run.

~??? POV~

"This is stupid, 'you've done well blah blah blah' ugh how annoying this is. But whatever can get me to the top I guess."

I walked to where Y/N and their friends were, listening to everything they discussed about. That's when I spotted Ririka she looked mad, fuming. I watched as she went over to Mary and slapped the air out of her.

"Ow, Ririka what the hell was that for?" She said rubbing her cheek and scooting back.

"That's for accusing my sister of a horrible action and for being with Y/N instead of me! You traitor." She went to slap her again before Yumeko grabbed her wrist.

"Knock it off Momobami."

"Tch whatever, Jabami." Then she stormed off.

Damn who slapped her boobs? I've never seen her so mad. Actually, I've never seen her mad, ever.

I giggled to myself before continuing to watch their little group.

"Shit that really hurt."

"You're face is so red haha." Yumeko laughed.

Mary was gonna attack Yumeko before Y/N interrupted.

"Knock it off, we still need to figure out how to prove that Kirari did all this."

"Well if Kirari made that letter then maybe we should try to get that letter. Ririka said that she has it in her office after deciding to not throw it away." Mary explained.

"Well lets go get it then." Yumeko said as she got up from the table with everyone following her.

~Time Skip~

They had decided to make Itsuki go in just incase Ririka was in her office. After a while she came back out with the letter.

"There I did what you wanted me to do, now leave me alone."

"Thank you Itsuki." Y/N said as she opened the letter and compared something she had written with it.

"I will say it looks very familiar, however yours is a mix of print and cursive, Kirari's is just cursive. Also yours is hard to read." Yumeko said as she looked over Y/N's shoulder.


"No it's pretty hard to read." Mary said squinting at the paper.

"Whatever. Now that we have our evidence, we can show it to Ririka."

It had to have only been 30 seconds before Y/N was thrown out and screamed at by Ririka.

"IT WASN'T MY GOD DAMN SISTER AND I KNOW IT." Then she slammed the door.

Damn Ririka.


"Why can't she just believe us. We literally showed her proof." Mary said in a disappointed voice.

"I'm sorry she won't talk to you Mary, but I really appreciate you sticking with us anyway...Yumeko what are you looking at?"

"I think someone is following us. I've felt like I'm being watched for the past two days." Yumeko said walking closer to wear she thought someone would be hiding.

"It's probably nothing lets just get to class." Yumeko shrugged her shoulders and listened to Y/N.

~Yumeko's Pov~

I know when I'm being followed, and right now I'm pretty damn sure we have Kirari's spy watching our every move.

I slowly slipped away from Y/N and Mary before looking around trying to see if there really was someone following us.

I ran to each empty classroom, checked the bathrooms, janitor closets, any empty and non-empty room. Yet nothing.

"I know I'm not imagining things." 

That's when I saw hair whip around a corner right after Mary and Y/N turned that corner. I quickly began to follow whoever this person was, making sure to still be quiet.

They were moving fast, a lot faster then I could handle so I tried taking short cuts. I wasn't watching where I was going and bumped into someone.

"Damn, you in a hurry or something? YUMEKO! IT'S YOU. HIIII YUMEKO!"

Shit not her. I did not have time for this and I absolutely loathe her.

"Leave me alone, Midari. I don't need your bullshit right now." I began walking away from her as she stood there muttering 'She finally talked to me over and over again.

No, I think I lost them. Ugh all because of Midari. She's always in the way.

Then I spotted Y/N and Mary again, hope was not lost. Except where was the person following them? Were they actually just going to a certain room and not following my friends? No, they were very secretive about what they were doing.

That's when I saw them. Her. Of all people why her. In my opinion she wasn't that amazing, guess Kirari got a new little pet.

I'm gonna get her, whatever Kirari wants it's not good if she chose this one. But Runa would've been scarier in my opinion. Man was she moving fast though.

I was finally gaining up on her, until she realized I was following her and she ran faster moving things to block my path. She was fast but predictable. I threw something at her head missing by a hair.

"THAT WAS A CHAIR WHAT THE HELL IS WRONG WITH YOU?" She yelled as she ran faster.

"What's wrong with you? Following us like that, just what exactly do you want?"

"Nothing now leave me be."

This time I threw a textbook, it successfully hit her with a loud 'WAM'. She fell to the floor and began trying to crawl away in terror.

"Accept your fate and answer the questions that I have for you."

I gripped the collar of he uniform and pulled her up to meet my face.

"What do you want, Yumemi?"


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I had to make Yumemi a part of this 😩

Word count: 1029

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