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~Yumemi's POV~

Shit what do I do now. She found me out and she's gonna tell Y/N. The whole purpose of this was to spy on them without getting found. Kirari's gonna kill me.

"What are you doing working for Kirari? I never expected you to be a follower."

"I'm not a follower."

"Well it sure seems like you are cause-"

"I'M NOT A DUMB FOLLOWER. She promised me that I would be able to make it to the top and live my dream." I looked down as I said those words knowing that none of that would happen now.

"I'm sorry. Hey, maybe Y/N can help you if they so choose to."

We began walking to where Mary and Y/N were, Yumeko held my arm as if I was a prisoner. I hate this.

~Time Skip~

"Yes, for the last time I will help you get to your dream, despite what you did."

"Thank you so much Y/N, how could I repay you?"

"Oh I know! How about she helps us, you could pretend to be on Kirari's side but in reality you just tell us any plans she has." Yumeko said clapping her hands together.

"I guess I don't mind that." Everyone nodded their heads in agreement.

~Mary's POV~

Classes had ended and now everyone was gambling, I would love to challenge people but after all that has been happening. Beating a few idiots just isn't enough.

I saw Ririka. She was gambling and man was she good. Nobody ever saw the Vice President gamble so people were either terrified or ready to gamble everything.

There's no way Yumeko is actually stupid enough to challenge Ririka. Yet there Yumeko was her stretch out to Ririka for a deal, and she took it. Now I have to stay and watch, gonna have to say that Yumeko won't actually be winning this one.

Y/N sat next to me watching.

"The hell did you come from Y/N?"

"The bathroom, anyways is Yumeko really going to challenge her?"

"Seems so, what an idiot she won't be getting any of my help."

Y/N watched intently, her eyes glowed a beautiful shade of pink. She was so focused, so into it. What a weirdo, like Yumeko. No wonder they get along so well.

I looked up and my eyes widened Yumeko was indeed losing. She had nothing left but still wanted to continue. Ririka refused to let anyone do anything for, she wanted her to accept her loss.

Y/N stood up and walked towards them, I tried stopping her but she just dragged me with her.

"I will take her place."

"Oh please isn't it enough to have one of you go down, do you really need to have all of you lose." Ririka scoffed and started to stand up.

"I challenge you Ririka Momobami, Vice President of the Student Council to a gambling match." Y/N grabbed Ririka's wrist to stop her from leaving.

"You're so annoying, fine. I accept your challenge."

There they both were, gambling. Ririka did it out of rage and Y/N did it for who knows what reason. But man were they good, Y/N especially.

"Getting tired Ririka, or can you still keep going? You are running out of money after all."

"Shut your mouth Takahashi, you know nothing of the money that I have." Rirka said. She looked tired, she probably did have more money, she was a Momobami after all.

The match was so intense, every wrong move Ririka made, Y/N's eyes would only glow more.

"Enough. Ririka, let's go. This match is done under the Presidents orders." Kirari grabbed her sister and walked away, leaving Y/N in a very angry state.


"I said enough."


I slammed my fist into the lockers.

"What was her problem? What can't handle your sister losing to me. UGH."

"Y/N calm done please." Yumeko grabbed my arm before I could hit the lockers again.

I sat on the floor, Yumeko and Mary sat by me.

"It's gonna be okay, I know it's rough but we're all in this together."

"Thanks Mary." I hugged her, but I could feel Yumeko's stare.

"Lets go get dinner together, just the three of us." Yumeko said pulling me away from Mary and standing up.

We agreed and Yumeko took us [restaurant].
Mary being picky just got Mac n' cheese, Yumeko got a steak and I got [food].

~Time Skip~

"Bye Mary, see you tomorrow." Yumeko and I waved to Mary as we went back to Yumeko's place.

"Hopefully tomorrow won't be as hectic as today was. Kirari really made me mad though, the march was almost over. Now me literally winning doesn't count because the match never finished."

"You should become the Student Council accountant just to piss them off. All you need are a shit ton of recommendations from the Student Council and whatever groups each council member is a part of."

"Yumeko that's a great idea! We'll have to get started immediately, tell Yumemi and have her convince everyone else."

"Got it, now you go rest, you need it. Goodnight."


I walked upstairs to Yumeko's room as she called Yumemi telling her our plan.

Yumeko was always doing all that she could for me, I'm really glad that she's sticking with me.

~Yumeko's POV~

"Think you could do that?"

"Yeah don't worry, Y/N will be the schools accountant in no time. I always hated Kaede, everyone does."

"Good, I'll speak to you tomorrow Yumemi."

We hung up and I sighed in satisfaction. Y/N was going to change this school around and I'm going to be right by her side the entire time.

I walked up the stairs leading to my room, they were sound asleep already. Crawling into bed behind them.

I'll make sure the twins will pay for everything. I'll become the new clan leader and I'll make sure of it.


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I'm sick 🥲

Word count: 1012

𝐘𝐨𝐮 𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝐌𝐞 Ririka X (Fem) ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now