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~3rd POV~

It was Monday now, you and Ririka had so much fun during the weekend, despite the fact that Kirari didn't want to go anywhere near you guys. As you got ready you heard a buzzing noise come from your phone. Looking at it you read the message Ririka had sent you.

~Time Skip~

As you walked into Ririka's office she took her mask off, her cheeks looking redder than normal. She fiddled with her fingers as you sat down next to her. She let out a sigh before walking towards her desk and sitting down. 

"U-Um, Y-Y/N, I-I w-was wondering i-if your would be m-my g-girlfriend?" She looked at you, she looked like she was about to cry and her face was as red as a cherry. 

There was a long moment of silence before you nodded your head, she jumped off her chair and ran to you, hugging you so tight as if she was worried that you'd leave her. Soon enough she let you go and you held her face and rubbed her cheeks with your thumbs.

After some time you both heard the bell ring and grabbed your stuff and headed to class. You couldn't focus the entire time however, all you could think about was the fact that you now had a girlfriend, who was not only the Vice President, but the older Momobami twin. 

~Time Skip~

~Ririka's POV~

I sat in the council room waiting for the other members to show up since we had a meeting today. I jumped when I heard the door open, each member of the Student Council came in one by one. 

The meeting seemed to last forever, even though it was only 30 minutes. I could barely focus and I kept telling everyone who asked me a question to repeat themselves. I just wanted to see Y/N, I'm so glad that they said yes, I just hope that Kirari doesn't find out for a while until I'm ready to tell her. 

As I walked outside looking for Y/N I was tackled to the ground and kissed on the head by non other than Y/N themselves. We giggled as we helped each other back to our feet. I grabbed their hand as we started walking to our favorite cafe. 

~Y/N's POV~

As we started walking to the cafe that we went to everyday after school, I felt a warm, soft hand slip into mine. I looked at Ririka noticing a small blush placed on her face. I looked away, my face beginning to heat up.

As we took our seat at the cafe, Ririka began to pull something out from her bag. Assuming it was council work I ignored it and looked outside the window. 

She tapped me on my shoulder before sliding something across the table towards me. It was a small box, as I opened the box I saw a necklace in it. It was silver and had my name along with Ririka's name on it. I smiled at her as I put it on, the cool jewelry resting around my neck. 

"I hope you like it, I got after you left for class." She smiled at me.

"Of course I love it, but Ririka you really didn't have to." I said shyly.

She shook her head before replying, "of course I have to, you're my girlfriend now, and I want to give you all that I can."

You face began to heat up as you hid your face in your hands. Just then the waitress came back with the tea you both ordered and left the pay check on the table before walking away.

After you guys paid, Ririka had her driver take the both of you home, stopping at your place and dropping you off before leaving and heading to hers.

~Kirari's POV~

I watched through my window as I saw Ririka get out of the car with a smile spread across her face. She had come home later than usual, of course I knew she got tea with Y/N after school everyday, but this time she cam back at 6 instead of 4. 

I didn't think much of it but I made a mental note to keep watch of her and Y/N from now on. 


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Sorry for not posting last weekend I was a bit busier unfortunately 

Hope you enjoyed this chapter, I'll try to publish chapter 4 soon.

Have a wonderful morning/evening/night :)

Word count: 765

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