Chapter 1: Duty Calls. Part 1

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It was the year 4 ABY. Imperial Captain Margos Florin stood at the bridge window of the Armando, his warship, looking out to a superweapon still being constructed by the workers and engineers of the Empire: the Second Death Star. The imperial troopers and staff were already stationed there, despite the battle station barely after half of its completion.

Just then, a deck officer,  Trimfrill, came in, exclaiming, "Captain, we just received a transmission from Death Star, and the Emperor demands your presence immediately!"

"Thanks, officer. I'll be there."

The captain instantly stormed out of the bridge and headed over to the hangar bay, where a transport hub brought him over to the Death Star's completed hangar. As soon as he entered the throne room, he bowed to him. "Emperor?"

The old man turned around and smirked. "I have an important mission for you, and it is of upmost importance you keep this a secret to yourself and your crew. For this is part of my Contingency plan."

Palpatine continued, "An expedition crew just discovered the remnants of Thrawn's Star Destroyer, and with it, the pieces of the Jedi Temple from Lothal. Together, these pieces hold powers only a Jedi or Sith would see and understand."

Hmm, that seems interesting, the captain thought to himself.

"Your mission is to use the device connected to the pieces to travel to another world, one that is deep within the Unknown Regions. Once you get there, you will await further orders. Dismissed."

Right before Palpatine said "Dismissed," the elevator doors opened, and an all-too-familiar sound was heard- the breathing of Darth Vader. Captain Margos turned around, and upon seeing the dark lord himself, quickly left the throne room.

Less than ten minutes later, he managed to head back inside the bridge, so much in a quick manner that Officer Fordon asked him, "Sir, is everything alright?"

"None of your concern, officer."

"Sir, we just received another message from the Death Star. The crew wants us to dock the Armando near their hangar bay."

"Very well. Set the thrusters to half power and drive the ship over there. And, Officer Blum, ask them the purpose of this order."

"Yes sir!" But after a few minutes, the captain was told that it was for the sake of the mission; everything else is "classified."

After a while, the Armando finally arrived at the Death Star Hangar, and it waited for an hour before being ordered to leave.

They had no idea what sort of destiny befell them.

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