Duty Calls: Part 9 (Flashback)

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Flashback. 6 BBY*, Lothal.

Imperial Captain Margos Florin stood looking out the bridge window towards the underlying city below. The Armando hovered among two other Imperial-Class Star Destroyers above the small occupied capital city of Lothal.

But he was concerned.

Lothal was one of many planets in the known regions that peacefully submitted into Imperial rule and occupation. However, for the past few standard years the capital city has had reports of resisting vigilantes. Vigilantes such as a young Mandalorian, a brute Lasat, a Twi'lek with good piloting skills, and a droid.

Yes, a simple droid.

These vigilantes have been picking off on imperial intelligence for the past year, often through infiltration. The Empire forces thought they were just local resistance, but they only recently discovered that these rebels are working together- a rebel cell.

"Captain, we're receiving an incoming transmission from Central Command."

Margos turned to Deck Officer Susey Ton Royak. "Patch them through."

He walked over to the communications monitor. A hologram appeared, and the person shown was one he knew would show up.

"Captain Margos. I am pleased with your reports," spoke Grand Moff Tarkin. "However, I have received word that the local rebels have been pounding against our efforts in the capital city. Your new assignment, for now, is to find this 'resistance' and deal with them. I'll have my men send you our current information on them."

"I'll see to it that it is done, sir," Captain Margos replied, and the line was terminated. He ordered three battalions of stormtroopers to patrol the capital city. Lieutenant Jarcliff was put in charge of the mission, and his younger, smarter sister, Officer Susey, was tasked with monitoring comm channels.

After what seemed to be half an hour, one of the seargent's radios went silent, before she heard a "Thump!"

"Lieutenant, Seargent Gujak's radio went offline!"

Lieutenant Jarcliff Ton Royak instantly sent a command to all stationed comms. "All units, set your blasters to kill mode, and go check on Seargent Gujak's team in the outer village."

"Yes sir!" responded the remaining troopers.

Susey mentally facepalmed, for her brother has made a strategical mistake. By bringing all of the units to the outer village, there won't be much defense surrounding the capital. The resistance group can swing in and capture-

No, they won't. Tarkin has many garrisons of troopers surrounding the Imperial capital building. They will gun the rebel scum down easily. But still...

"Jarcliff, you got yourself in trouble, again," she thought to herself. She grew mentally vigilant while paying attention to the radios.

After what seemed to be ten minutes, all units in the area reported no disturbance, but they did find the entire team by Gujak to be unconscious.

"Code red six! The capital base is under attack!" exclaimed a trooper.

"Dank Ferrik, Jarcliff! I knew it!" Susey exclaimed in her head. She instantly alerted the captain to the news.

Lieutenant Jarcliff looked out the window of the bridge, but couldn't get a glimpse of the capital building below. Grunting, he ordered the stormtroopers to send video footage through their helmets. What ensued was footage of the Lasat brute beating up one stormtrooper before grabbing their gun and shooting down at least a couple more troopers.

"Just what are they going after?" the Lieutenant asked himself. Just then the Captain entered the bridge, and demanded a status report. "Maybe you forgot to order a group of troopers to defend the castle alongside the ground forces?" He asked.

 "Maybe you forgot to order a group of troopers to defend the castle alongside the ground forces?" He asked

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"Captain I-"

"Are you going to give me a poor excuse, Lieutenant Jarcliff, or do I have to remind you to use your common sense?" Margos barked at him. The latter instantly ordered the units in the village to return and corner the rebels, while at least two more will be called to aid the ground forces defending the building.

"Good grief, I should consider promoting Officer Susey, his sister, to lieutenant and demoting Jarcliff to her position," the Captain thought to himself. "At least she is more loyal than him."

"Commander Shegat to Captain Margos, I want your men guarding the prison cells inside the building. My crew intercepted the rebels communication and discovered the prison is of significance to them. Again, I want your troopers to guard the prison from the rebels," the comlink radio blared.

"Acknowledged, Commander. Captain out," Margos replied. He then ordered Susey to carry out the order, to which she did so without hesitation.


*Star Wars Rebels takes place a year later in 5 BBY, well the first season that is. The ghost crew is still active in Lothal but Ezra Bridger doesn't join them until a year later.

Published March 11, 2022

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