Duty Calls: Part 3

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Captain Margos walked impatiently from one side of his office to the other, carefully thinking over what occurred. Within the last hour, he and his crew were sent back in time- about 35 years ago- and they accidentally aided the rebel fighters on Naboo. Against the Trade Federation, who will eventually become the Separatists, all backed by the Sith.
"I reckon we got the Sith's attention already," Margos thought to himself. "And not just them, but the queen. Dan ferrik, who was the queen of Naboo at this time? We also probably got the attention from the Federation and the Jedi."

The captain realized something else, too: the Jedi are not hiding, but they are out in the open in the thousands. The Emperor at this time is not an Emperor, but the Supreme Chancellor. And there is no galactic army!

Well, for another ten years or so.

What's worse, is that there are no imperial codes, no bases to contact support, or call for reinforcements. They are on their own.

If memory serves, the Jedi were in their prime by the Republic era, which means they would most likely sense their presence.

Hold on, what about the Inquisitor?

Margos got out of his office, just to run into Officer Susey. "Captain, your presence is requested to the bridge by Lieutenant Jarcliff." "Thanks, Officer, I'll be there."

Meanwhile, on Naboo.

A lot can happen in one hour. Obi-Wan Kenobi left the room, feeling devastated. Just a few minutes ago, his master, Qui Gon Jinn, was murdered by Darth Maul. Though he managed to slice him in half and send him down into the pit, his master didn't have enough time. But the words were burned into his memory.

"He is the Chosen One. He will bring balance to the force."

"I got to find Anakin. He could be very well in trouble," Kenobi thought to himself. He quickly headed outside.

Back on Coruscant,

Within the industrial sector, a lone fortress stood amongst the crowd of small factories and pummels of labor smoke. Within that fortress was a dark-robbed man, hiding his hideous face. Another man approaches him, but with a dark-gray beard.

"Come, my friend, we have much to discuss," the hooded man spoke in a worrisome voice. The second man followed.

"Count Dooku, the time has come."

The old man knelt down in front of the Sith Lord. "I...I pledge to be in your service, my new master."

"Goooood. From this day on, you shall be known as...Darth Tyrannus. But I also shall honor your royal title. Now rise."

The new Sith master did as was told and rose. "I assume your other apprentice has fallen?"

"Indeed, by a familiar face. But now I want to discuss something of utmost importance. Tell me, have you felt the massive disturbance in the force?"

"I have, my master. As did all the Jedi."

Darth Sidious smirked, "For that, I have no doubt every single Jedi has sensed this disturbance. However, I managed to figure out what exactly occurred. Follow me."

The two Sith walked over to a monitor.

Dooku was stunned. "How did you discover the source of the disturbance?"

"I have powerful allies at my disposal, that's how."

Sidious pressed a button, and the ensuing hologram appeared.

"Darth Sidious, to whom it may concern, we have run into a significant problem. The invasion of Naboo was going as planned, but then high command of the Trade Federation battleships detected a massive energy buildup near the battlefield. The anomalous energy lasted for only 15 seconds, before a strange portal formed.

"It was not long before a massive cruiser of unknown make and origin came out of the portal. We calculated it's length to be 1,600 meters long, about half the length of our battleships. Attempted interactions with the cruiser resulted in failure- we tried every single available frequency, doubled the signal boosters, and to no avail. We warned them to leave, but shortly afterwards we spotted small aircraft disperse from the cruiser, and they aided the Gungan resistance, destroying 1/5th of our armed forces, before retreating back to their cruiser, and shooting into hyperspace. We managed to calculate its direction, and its possible destination. This data I presented here has more information on this incident."

The hologram's message concluded.

"I am assigning you your first mission. Travel to these designated coordinates, where you will meet your crew, and investigate this vessel. If the crew have any plans that threaten what I have long sought, eliminate them."

"I understand, my master."

"Good. I do not want any complications with this mission."

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