From the Shadows: Part 3

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"Err, Junior Lieutenant? You alright?"

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"Err, Junior Lieutenant? You alright?"

Jarcliff turned toward Glaucon, who sat next to him on the right. Gujak sat next to Glaucon on the other side. The latter noticed that the junior lieutenant was clenching his fists more often, more so while they were walking through the crowded streets of downtown Lothal City. Now they're sitting on the shuttle seats while in transit to Coruscant, and the shuttle was jam-packed with families and businessmen and women eagerly traveling to the capital world of the Republic.

The ride to Coruscant was rather fine, to say the least, but Jarcliff was not amused with what he saw. Freedom, and lots of widespread unnecessary freedom. Cheerful people and children, news stations discussing the democratic senate in Coruscant, and less order. Back in the days of the Empire, Lothal and virtually every single planet was inspected and guarded with hundreds of battalions of stormtroopers. Less crime, more focused workers, and no democracy. None, for only the supreme leader knows true obedience is not through the feeble minds of discussion seekers, but through the will of a leader with true power. And the emperor knows true power.

Granted, Jarcliff rarely was assigned to jobs as a spy. It made sense that he was not ready to deal with the scenery of a democratic-run galaxy. But the more he thought about it, the experience on Lothal is nothing but a scratch compared to what Coruscant has for them.

"Don't worry about it, Officer. None of our concern."

The trip to Coruscant took about ten Imperial standard minutes. By the time the spies arrived on the planet, Jarcliff already formulated a plan for setting up their base of operations. The three will need to stay at one of the local hotels near the senate district so that they can get to the said district fairly easy.

However the Junior Lieutenant suddenly realized that he was very dehydrated. The last time he drank water was about seven standard hours ago.

"Where to, Junior Lieutenant?" Officer Glaucon coincidentally asked him.

"Let's head somewhere so we can discuss our plans. I know a place," replied Jarcliff.

He led the other spies to a nearby store, where they rented some bikes for travel. They drove to a place that they really didn't expect Jarcliff would pick for a spy meeting.

"Uh, Lieutenant? Are you sure this is the right place? Because I'm seeing a jam-packed number of customers, and they could hear about our plans

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"Uh, Lieutenant? Are you sure this is the right place? Because I'm seeing a jam-packed number of customers, and they could hear about our plans." Officer Gujak asked the Junior Lieutenant. He worryingly stroked his rough chin.

"Trust me, Officer, I've been to this diner many times before. We'll be fine," Jarcliff Ton Royak replied as he approached the entrance. Coincidentally, there was a familiar noise. "C-Squad, come in."

"C-Squad here," replied the Junior Lieutenant, leading the group away from the entrance.

"You didn't check in with Command when you arrived on Coruscant. Are you all alright?"

"Yeah we're fine, nothing too unusual so far."

"Command, this is Officer Gujak of C-squad, is there any specific people on Coruscant we should spy on?" Officer Gujak asked on the comm.

"Yes, you should watch Obi-Wan Kenobi and Chancellor Sheev Palpatine. As of today, previous spy operations reveal Kenobi discovered the attacker's choice of weapon, and is going to Dex's Diner to figure out where the weapon came from."

"That's where we're at now, thanks. C-Squad out."

And with that, they entered the diner. Upon going inside, a robot maid approached them. "Welcome to Dex's Diner! How many are with you?"

"Two here with me," Jarcliff replied.

"And your party name?"

" about Royak?"

"Excellent! You have exactly two areas for a party of three. The chairs over there," the droid pointed to the left side, where there was just a bar view of the outside, "or the empty table over there," she then pointed to the said table in the front corner on the right side.

"We'll, um, pick the table."

"Good! I'll be there soon to take your order!"

And just like that she gestured to the table, where the three spies followed and sat down. They were about four tables away from the entrance door, where the Jedi will walk in soon.

"How do we know where the Jedi'll sit? It's not like he'll sit on the far side over there," Gujak asked the junior lieutenant. The latter sighed and said, "Seeing how serious the mission is for him, Kenobi will most likely sit to the table closest to the entrance. Remember, we need to keep a low profile."

"I understand," Glaucon replied. The waitress soon arrived and asked for the order, to which the spies only requested water. After a few minutes, she came back with three glasses of water.

Glaucon was the first to take his glass. He was drinking a third of it before-


The main cook, Dex himself, exclaimed at the newly arrived visitor.

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