From the Shadows: Part 5

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Sorry for the long wait, I have a major mythology project coming up next week (December 1st, 2022), and I had to work on that (some minor procrastination) along with signing up for my college spring classes. I know, I worked on the TFP My Wild Adventure story during that time, which could have been spent on this story, but I had writer's block.

However, due to the Obi-Wan show on Disney+, I decided to make a new change to the lore of the story. Due to the Third Sister's betrayal and departure from the Inquisitors and Empire, Marius Enelli took her place as the Third Brother.

As always, criticism and feedback is always appreciated! I hope you enjoy the chapter, and don't forget, may the Force be with you!


To revamp, C-Squad had to evacuate the scene after discovering that Officer Gujak was attacked (and thought to be dead). The radio command soon told the leader of C-Squad, Junior Lieutenant Jarcliff ton Royak to not evacuate the planet but rather move a few miles from the scene. Now their top priority is to locate the whereabouts of their partner.

"Dan Ferrik! I'm starting to not like this at all!" Officer Gujak was tempted to pull at his brown hair due to his stress. But Junior Lieutenant Jarcliff ton Royak turned and grabbed his shoulders. "Calm down, Gujak. We need to plan our next objective, so please-"

"Calm down? How am I-"

"Officer!" Jarcliff shouted. Glaucon's lips were sealed upon hearing the order. "Not another complaint, do you understand? The only way we can resolve this situation is if we work together. I don't care if you weren't out in the field as much as I was, we WILL finish the mission! We will find Officer Gujak, whether he's dead or alive! Do you understand?"

Officer Glaucon stared at his CO before giving a nod. "Y-yes sir, I understand."

Jarcliff let go of the shoulders before looking around. "Knowing how corrupt this government is, there's no way Gujak would've been assassinated in front of hundreds of citizens and politicians. Whoever got him will interrogate him on our location and allegiance. We must not let this Republic or the Separatists know of our existence!"

" have an idea of where they could've taken him?" Glaucon scratched his head. Jarcliff looked before sighing and turning his gaze out to the skyline of Coruscant. "He must not be far from here. We had interrogation centers back in our time around here, but it's been ten years, so I don't exactly remember the codes to get in."

"But it wouldn't hurt to try?"

The Junior Lieutenant inwardly groaned. He pulled out his key device and thought out loud, "I guess you're right..."

--Meanwhile, in the Naboo system...--

N-Squad: [Officer Barbrey, Squad Leader Gordon, Trooper Prajona, and Officer Trimfrill]

N-Squad: [Officer Barbrey, Squad Leader Gordon, Trooper Prajona, and Officer Trimfrill]

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"N-Squad, what is your status?"

Squad Leader Gordon pressed the button on his wrist and replied "We are setting up a temporary base near the waterfalls to watch the targets. We are currently one and a half klicks from the main targets."

"And where are the targets?"

"They are sitting next to each other in a plains field far below. From this distance, they won't be able to see us and sense us."

"I copy, N-Squad. Stay safe. Command out," Officer Susey spoke through the comm before closing the channel. Gordon turned to the other teammates who were busy scanning the surrounding area. "How's it looking down there, Officer Barbrery?"

The said officer watched through her binoculars two targets far down into the fields below. She replied, "the targets are still talking to each other. No suspicious movements so far, Squad Leader."

"Copy," the squad leader returned, before asking the other two how the camp is going. It was about done, but Officer Trimfrill spotted a more stable ledge over the waterfall. The problem? It's on the other side of a big waterway with slippery rocks. One miscalculated step and they will plunge to their death below.

Imperial stormtroopers have been trained in all climates.* (In real life their training barely holds up to US marine training, we will see this soon) So a crossing a waterfall should be alright for these stormtroopers.

"Plus, our droid here is barely picking up what Target A and D are saying, and that rock over there is a little closer and farther from the river. We'd be able to hear them better over there," Trimfrill explained.

Gordon looked back and forth between him and the rock ledge, before sighing. "Alright, let's head over there. Be careful where you walk, and don't look down. DR2, if anything happens to us, hoisten us to the other side."

The imperial droid known as DR2 beeped in confirmation before the team began crossing the waterfall. Gordon went first, then Prajona, followed by Trimfrill, before being lastly followed by Barbrey.

The rough water splashed against their feet as they waddled across the slippery rocks. The officers were very careful, but every now and then one of them nearly slipped; and every now and then they accidentally looked down at the lake below.


Gordon turned around to see  both Prajona and Barbrey watching Trimfrill. After a huge splash, a lone figure emerged from the water. It had a bald head with pale skin and dark clothing. The figure pulled out two metal sticks before a red glow emerged. Before the officer could react, the assassin swung her red lightsabers at his feet, which made him slip.

"Officer, no!" shouted Barbrey as Trimfrill's body was out of sight. He plummeted down the waterfall before crashing onto the rocks below. The water surrounding the rocks turned a slight red.

DR2 quickly flew over before latching itself onto Barbrey's shoulders and carried her to where Gordon and Prajona stood. She had tears streaming down her face as Barbrey repeatedly slammed her fists on the ground.

Squad Leader Gordon held onto her shoulder and finally spoke, "Officer, I...understand what you're feeling, but now is not the time to weep. I promise you that his death will not be in vain. Do you understand?"

She tightly gripped the Naboo grass while her tears collapsed onto the soil. Officer Barbrey silently wept before nodding- her nose sniffed with sinus.

"Trooper, take point and watch the targets, alright? I will report this to Command."

Trooper Prajona relayed and pulled out his own binoculars to watch. But what came into his sight sent a chill down his spine. Target A, Anakin Skywalker, had the creepiest smile crawled on his face. He never knew what Darth Vader looked like underneath the suit, but seeing him smile right after the coincidental death of Trimfrill made him shiver.

His teeth were as white as the pale skin of all the slain soldiers in the Clone Wars and beyond...


Captain Margos Florin was in his office, sitting straight on his chair while reading the latest reports from his K-Squad, C-Squad, and G-Squad. All seemed to be fine-

A new report beamed onto the tablet. The gruff eyes widened in shock, for the first time in months.

Just as that happened, his comlink beeped. "Command to Captain Margos. We have just received a death report from N-Squad on Naboo."

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