Duty Calls: Part 4

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Meanwhile on Coruscant

While Kenobi was dealing with the mess on Naboo, the Jedi in their temple were acting rather more active than any other day. All it took was an interrupted council meeting, during which Yoda and the other Jedi Masters sensed a great disturbance in the force. Qui Gon Jinn and Queen Padme Amidala contacted the Temple masters and told them about the unidentified flying cruiser, confirming it was the source of the disturbance.

What interested them the most was that they sensed a powerful force-user on the ship, so they wondered to themselves:

Was this force-sensitive a long-lost Jedi? Possibly, but how did he or she get such a strange, massive ship?

Or is this a secret dark-side user who is working with the Trade Federation?

That's what the Jedi tend to find out. Shortly after the meeting, many Jedi knights, masters, and even padawans decided to read the archives at the library. There were so many that Jocasta Nu, the master in charge of the library, thought she was relieving an old memory, where she greets the new padawans and gives them a tour.

There was a young togruta, who among a few padawans, were watching their masters reading as many archives as possible, including ship cruiser designs, the list of all possible Jedi powers, Sith powers, and events where the force was largely distur...

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There was a young togruta, who among a few padawans, were watching their masters reading as many archives as possible, including ship cruiser designs, the list of all possible Jedi powers, Sith powers, and events where the force was largely disturbed by an anomalous event.

"Are you having a busy day, padawans?" Jocasta Nu walked over to the group. One of them replied: "It seems we're all confused with that large ship that appeared at Naboo for a while."

"*snort* Talky Tano! Talky Tano! Hehehe!" One of the male padawans snickered.

Just then, Yarael Poof, the long-necked Jedi master, and member of the main Jedi Council, burst through the doors. "Guys," he exclaimed, "Master Yoda told me to tell you these news. The ship's force signal is faint, but he found something important. He was able to distinguish a force-sensitive on the cruiser," everyone almost gasped in shock, "and that this particular person has the dark side of the force!"

Meanwhile, on the Armando.

The star destroyer had thankfully flown far enough from the Naboo system, the captain lined up all of the imperial lieutenants and officers for a meeting. "Listen, my officers, we're going to have to face it: we have no reinforcements, no contact with the Empire, and limited supplies. We won't be able to stay in the dark for long, for the Jedi in this time are more powerful, more resourceful, and more curious. We need to stay as far as possible from Coruscant, which is where they live. I'll plot a course for..."

Margos noticed that Officer Fordon was slightly opening his mouth, where he was tempted to speak. "Is there something you have to say, officer?"

"Captain, the Inquisitor, he said that...he said that there were two Jedi on Naboo. They may have already found us."

"What does that mean, 'they already found us'?"

"Those Jedi were Obi-Wan Kenobi and Qui Gon Jinn. And Kenobi will soon become the master of Anakin Skywalker, one of the most powerful Jedi to live."

"And he's supposedly the father of the now Luke Skywalker. Of course! He's also one of the best pilots to ever live!"

Margos, who was stroking his small black beard, chined in. "And what does that have to do with the situation at hand?"

Officer Susey, who pushed some of her black hair away, finally entered the discussion. "Captain, Anakin is supposedly the father of the now Luke Skywalker. Based on my education of the Jedi Order during the Clone Wars, Skywalker and his master, Kenobi, were among the most powerful and daring Jedi Generals. Because we traveled at least ten years before the war will start, perhaps they and the rest of the Jedi will no doubt try to find us. But there is something else."

"Go on," Margos crossed his arms.

"The Inquisitor, who no doubt is strong in the dark side, will be easily sensed by any Jedi travelers who fly past or even near our ship. His mere presence is a spotlight in the force. But there is also the threat of the Sith. If my memory is correct, at least one of them remains."

"Darth Sidious, or better known as Palpatine," the red-skinned twi'lek entered the room. "With the resources and allies at his disposal, especially after our skirmish on Naboo, we undoubtedly have been compromised."

Captain Margos snapped back "I still do not trust your intentions, inquisitor. But because you know your ways, do you have an idea of what we should do?"

The inquisitor looked around, before thinking. "If my master were to ever hunt me down, the farthest system from his reach, and that of the Empire, would be my best solution. For this, I would strongly advise traveling as far from Naboo and any other planet occupied by the Republic as possible, perhaps an untouched, habitable world."

The officers and lieutenants looked at each other before Margos sighed. "Do you have a preference? Because that doesn't specify where in this galaxy."

"Hmmm," the inquisitor stroked his hairless chin. "How about Jakku? It's practically a junkyard, and it's barely populated. You will find it in the Inner Rim, within the Jakku system."

The Captain swiftly asked Officer Susey to search for Jakku in the imperial databanks. To their surprise, all that was said by the inquisitor was true. And yet, it almost seemed...familiar?*

"Alright, set a course for the Jakku system." He replied, before sitting down on his chair and beginning to process the information again.

"I don't like this," Lieutenant Jarcliff spoke. "We're on our own. Limited intel, limited supplies, and both the Jedi and our own emperor are against us! How are we going to deal with that?"

Meanwhile, within deep Republic-controlled space,

At this point in time, the Trade Federation was on the verge of defeat. Their numbers were dwindling swiftly, and with no time left on their hands. Most of the army were on Naboo getting slaughtered, but there were a few regiments left. One battalion of droids were given a special mission by the mastermind to wait for further orders.

Just then, a lone cruiser entered into the battleship hangar. Droids initially held their blasters, but upon seeing the single passenger exit the vehicle, they relaxed. "Phew, we thought you were with the Republic!"

"Are you seriously wired this way?" Count Dooku thought to himself. He sighed before speaking "Gentlemen, the time has come. Has my master given you the coordinates to the unidentified cruiser?"

"Yes sir!" One of the battle droids squeaked. "Good, now set the course for this mystery ship. It's time to solve this little mystery, and correct my master's plan."

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