Duty Calls: Part 2

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While the Armando warship was docked near the Death Star, a bridge connected the two massive ships. The troopers guarded the workers transporting rations, water, weapons, and two bulky crates. In one of the crates was a set of pillars crafted from sandstone, with a set of electronics on the front side. In the second crate was a single rock, the same material as the pillars, only this time it had a large painting carved into it.

As the troopers stood guard, they spotted a dark figure walking on the bridge. The dual red tails sprouting from the helmet gave away his identity—an Inquisitor, the last one, in fact, known as the Third Brother. A former Jedi knight, Marius Enelli proved to be deadly in lightsaber combat. Somehow he managed to outlive the other inquisitors due to his undying loyalty to Darth Vader and the fact that he focused less on the force and more on his lightsaber combat.

"Sir, where are you going?"

The Inquisitor turned to the trooper. "To the ship. Darth Vader's orders."

"Okay, well...err," the trooper began to stammer. The Inquisitor chuckled under his mask and concluded with, "Call me when you completed your excuse for me to stay." He turned and resumed his journey onto the Armando warship.

Fast forward to after the ship left the Death Star, Emperor Palpatine ordered the communications crew to send a message to the Armando warship:

"This is the second Death Star communications relay. During the loading sequence, the pieces of the Lothal Jedi Temple have been placed on board your ship. They will be used to assist in your travel to the Unknown Regions. Stand by for further orders."

Captain Margos was told of the message. He rushed over to grab the communication device, but the transmission was instantly cut. Suddenly, there was a loud rumbling throughout the ship- the device was activated!

Soon, the crew noticed that a portal with a white outline grew and slowly consumed the ship

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Soon, the crew noticed that a portal with a white outline grew and slowly consumed the ship. Every other cruiser in their sight, including the Second Death Star, disappeared- there was only darkness. Pathways and small doors were being smashed by the ship coming through. As the crew watched the unraveling scene, the bridge doors opened from behind, and a deep male voice spoke: "Congratulations, we have successfully been sent to the World Between Worlds."

Captain Margos and his officers turned to see the Third Brother entering the bridge. An inquisitor? He hasn't seen any of them for at least ten years. And there was one. Onboard the Armando.

"Hold on, we were never told of your arrival," spoke Officer Fordon, "Lord Vader would have told us."

"That's the point, officer. This is a secret mission, and the emperor does not know this. Lord Vader is now in command of this mission."

Everyone started to grow suspicious. The captain finally broke the silence that followed: "with all due respect, Inquisitor, we still don't know why this is happening. Perhaps if you can make sense with your heretic claim?"

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