Thank you, Akako.

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Well everyone. There's the end. The end of a long four year journey. The end of the story that saved me and gave me an escape whenever I needed somewhere to go. This story is my safe space, where I could write and leave my worries if the real world while living in a beautiful story.

I just wanted to say how  unbelievable it is to me that this book has come this far! To others, it isn't a big deal but I started this book at one of the worst times in my life. I started writing this book after a head injury that left me unable to attend school for a while because I had a stutter all of a sudden and slowly developed twitches and PNES's. Gakuen Alice brought me such joy in that time and I envisioned a little girl that made me even happier.

Akako isn't a self insert. She's more like my child that I created so that I could Channel my focus to writing to take me away from the awful reality I was having. I wrote this book to keep me happy and distract me from the constant seizures and the fact that I couldn't even get a proper sentence out. I've been with Akako through all of my speech therapy sessions as well as my life in my worst moments. I've always had a crazy imagination and she was my gate to a world where children could do extraordinary things.

Akako is my comfort character and I love her with my whole heart. I remember when my book got 50 reads and then 100, each one a major stepping stone for me. Writing has been my escape and the fact that I'm letting go of her makes me so want to cry. I want to thank those who have supported me from the very beginning and who stuck with me through these years.

I can't imagine not coming back to this story, Akako is a part of me. A part of my soul that I'll always treasure and I hope many of you treasure as well. I hope that this story will always be somewhere for you all to come again and relive in this world.

No words can describe my love for you all and your support, so thank you. Every single one of you who has joined me in this adventure of Mikan's Little Twin. Though, this may not be the very end! Yes, it's the end of the story, but many readers have suggested I do little short stories/chapters furthering the storyline so we shall see!!

I love you all so much, and thank you all for everything!!❤️❤️

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