Chapter 72: Friends*

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"I'm the homeroom teacher for the special abilities class?" Izumi looks over in confusion as he keeps his lollipop in his mouth.

Jinno gives his best death glare to the younger male, looking oddly similar to how he will look at another young girl in the future. "It would make me feel uneasy to give someone like you a higher positioning job... but sadly I can't treat the principals younger brother as harsh as I would like." Jinno growls at Izumi.

Izumi begins to tease Jinno as he speaks to another teacher, "That guy that was just now talking, I wonder who he is. I think I've seen him before."

The other teacher plays along, "Er, he's just new, I think." He sighs before muttering under his breath, "I'm sorry for our Jinno-kun."

Soon Izumi walks out to the balcony and stretches, "Ah! I can't believe that I've been teaching for two years already...!" He yawns as he gets a breath of fresh air.


"Eh?! Really?!" Mikan shouts as she heard what her father said. "Why did it pass so fast?!" She exclaims and looks towards her teacher.

Once again, the weird wiggly thing pops out and whispers to Nodacchi. "Ah! It appears that something happened to make the time go by faster." He laughs.

Everyone gives him a deadpan look. They stare at him for a moment, but when Akako reaches into her box again, she finds only air. Retracting her hand and giving a small glare accompanied with a pout, she tosses it.

After a moment, she realizes that she accidentally threw it through the hole. Everyone watches as the box grows to normal size and falls towards the ground. Below them, the box falls and ends up hitting someone on the head, making them furious and yell.

"Oh! I remember this day! I heard that Jinno-Sensei was ranting about Yukihira-Sensei littering and leaving his trash all over the place. He claimed that Yukihira had thrown the box at him from the balcony, no matter how much the blonde denied the accusations." Nodacchi smiles at the memory, sweat dropping as he realizes.

Everyone else glares at the guilty looking Akako. "So that was you.... huh.."


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Izumi leans against the railing and watches in amusement as Jinno shouts from below about something the blonde couldn't care for. As he's looking at the space below him, his eyes widen and he crumbles a piece of paper before throwing it down.

The paper bounces off someone's head, causing them to spin around in surprise.

"Yo~! Chibi!" Izumi calls out with a smile. "You jail escapee~! You're all alone?" He laughs. Yuka stares at him for a moment before reaching down and grabbing the paper that he tossed at her. She chucks it at his head, somehow getting more and throwing them as well.

Suddenly, Yuka is reminded of the day two years ago when she was electrocuted.


"You always seem to look back." Izumi sighs as he carries a weak Yuka on his back. "The scenery in front of you, the people near you, don't you see it?" He asks as he looks at the beautiful trees around them. "That's such a wasteful life for a kid like you. Live right now. That's what 'life' is."

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