Chapter 111: Forgiveness

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Narumi leans against a crate, trying to ignore the searing pain of his gunshot wounds. Before him stands Reo, his henchmen Shidou, along with another one of Reo's allies. Reo stands there, flabbergasted at the words they happened to hear through the communication invention that Hotaru created. The news of Persona's betrayal seemed almost incomprehensible- like someone fabricated it as a joke. But since the news was coming from Shiki himself, they all had no reason to believe that he would pull their leg like that- especially considering the situation.

Reo shakes his head, trying to clear it while focusing on his injured Senpai in front of him. "Narumi-Senpai, they can't see us right now thanks to Shidou's barrier." He assures his upperclassman, though sweats nervously at the sight of his blood stained clothes, "There's... nothing we can do about these wounds. But the bleeding has stopped."

Reo's words go in one ear and out the other, Narumi becoming lost in his train of thought. He knew exactly who was responsible for Persona's change. He lowers his head, an image of a cheerful Mikan fluttering through his head.

'Mikan, once again you have easily torn down the walls of those around you. You forgave him by overcoming all the fears you had in the past.' The blond's breath becoming ragged as he ignores the pain blossoming from his wounds, 'You always know how people think. The Sensei's weren't able to save him but you... accepted him... with your heart-melting smile.'

The man knew that Mikan was the one who aided most in his change of heart. Ever since she arrived, she performed miracle after miracle. It was no wonder to the teacher that Akako always followed her around and looked at Mikan as though she held the power of heaven and earth.

"Reo..." Narumi speaks, gathering the attention of his kouhai. "Don't worry about me... can you do me a favor?" He pants, halting Reo from tearing more cloth to wrap the blond. The singer stares down at the bleeding man as he slowly allows gravity to take hold of him and slowly pull him to the ground. Narumi lands with a small thud, "Starting now... please support the twins a-as well as their loved ones." Narumi requests.

His request surprised Reo, leaving no words able to leave his mouth. This seemed to be a rather random petition.

"Use your Alice... to help them connect their future..." Narumi's violet eyes look upwards into Reo's startled ones. A feeling of annoyance bubbles underneath the pop star's skin before bursting to the surface, "Why should I do that?!" He clenches his fists, angered that Narumi was asking such a thing of him. He didn't want to waste his time over such useless things.

Narumi keeps his calm persona, wishing for Reo to hear him out. "Reo, I don't want you to go through something you'll regret anymore." Reo tenses, "You should have known that already... No matter how stupid it may sound and no matter how many times you have fallen down, you have no future... following a puppet leader. You should also know," a grunt of pain passes through his lips, "that the reason for your behavior is because part of you still acts like a rebellious kid. Wake up." Narumi presses, "You've done quite enough. For a kid who never gets anything from others, I understand it gets very confusing to offer help to others. I was like that so I know how you feel but that does not justify... the things you did to hurt other people. 'Z' has been using your weakness, and all those things they goaded you into doing... cannot he easily forgiven. Being weak is not a crime but it's absolutely wrong not to realize how stupid it is."

Reo listens to the words escaping his Senpai's mouth, his eyes seeming as though they were seeing the whole picture for the firs time in his life. Narumi was barging in and ripping off all the blinds in an attempt to make his ignorant kouhai see what was before him the whole time.

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