Chapter 87: Teleportation

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Tono stares at the attackers in worry before forming an idea. Wanting to see if the person might be the traitor, he speaks out, asking someone to use their Alice on the enemy. Surely he wouldn't if he were a traitor, he wouldn't risk his life. Tono looks over at Nodacchi after speaking his idea, "Nodacchi... please.."

Nodacchi stares at the ground, trying to make his decision quickly since Natsume is working very hard on keeping the enemy at bay. "O.... okay." The teacher nods, wanting to do what he can to help the children.

Tsubasa continually protests as the teacher glances away. "Noda-Sensei!" Akako calls out, scared for what may happen to the teacher. Nodacchi turns around, "Tsubasa, Tonōichi. Look after everyone." He then turns towards the twins who look at their teacher in anguish, "You two need to get to your mother." With those last words, Nodacchi quickly makes his way towards the Fuukitai and grabs ahold of all of them. Before any one can react, Nodacchi takes them and himself into the time space.

Everything is silent for a moment but footsteps soon make their way across the room. Tsubasa grabs Tono by his collar in anger, "What the hell are you doing?! Why are you suddenly... making Nodacchi do something so dangerous..." he questions.

Mikan reaches forward and grabs her senpai by the arm, "Tsubasa-Senpai, stop it!" She exclaims. Now was not the time for arguing.

Tono recalls what Hayami had told him in secret, away from everyone else.

"The traitor is... in the special abilities class..."

"Everyone! The enemy is back!" Nobara shouts. Akako quickly throws her hands forward, spreading water on the ground as Nobara uses her ice Alice. She sends a blizzard towards the Fuukitai, freezing the floor beneath their feet in the process.

"Nobara! Akako!" Mikan shouts, for her friend and sister. She worries that they might get injured while holding off the enemy.

"Mikan! Everyone! Get together, we'll escape by teleporting!" Tono orders, everyone dashing to huddle together. Everyone quickly grabs hands and stare at the twins in desperation, "We're counting on the two of you!"

Akako and Mikan conjoin hands, everyone grabbing their entwined hands or their free hand. Some even grab on to wrists of others so that it's easier to reach. Both of the close their eyes and use all of their power to concentrate. With their strong will and twin connection, they're able to think of the same place and soon the world around them fades away.

'Please.. allow us to protect everyone!'


"Sakura-futago, Nobara and the others have returned from the past."

The evil man stares at his boss as the child looks out through the glass window. The man turns his attention to his pupils, "You guys get them. Show no mercy. Make the traitor suffer so much that regretting it for the rest of his or her life won't be enough." He growls.

Suddenly, an image of a smiling man flies through his head. A memory. The blonde man smiles dearly, "Rei..." he calls out. "Rei..."

In another room, members of the Fuukitai watch the woman who's reclining in the sofa with a glass of wine. "Are you alright, Luna-San?"

"I'm fine, I just used too much of my Alice." The female waves off their concerns. One steps forward, "Shrinking from the Gulliver candies was taking its toll too, wasn't it?" The man asks the woman. "I thinks it's fine for you to return to your usual size. Don't over do it, at this rate you'll damage your body." The Fuukitai continue.

Luna, now in her normal size is a fully grown woman. Her hair is the same but it's evident that her facial features and body have matured greatly, far different from her barely growing child body.

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