Chapter 83: Back to the present

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All of the children watch in despair as Kaoru's voice rings through their ears, as though her spirit were still trying to communicate with them through the past.

"Yuka... Natsume.. I'm sorry, Natsume..."

The boy's friends look at the usually calm and fierce kid and their chests ache at the expression on his face. No longer is Natsume the strong and courageous boy but a broken little child. Gone is his maturity and grace, replaced by utter anguish and longing. The longing to have met his mother and to have made precious memories alongside her.

"Natsu..." Akako tears up for her friend, his expression bringing sorrow to her soul. Ruka and the others look at the boy with empathy for his situation. He had just witnessed the death of his own mother.

Akako slowly walks towards Natsume, conjoining their hands as a way to somehow convey to Natsume  that he's not alone. She dare not attempt to comfort him because he needed this time to officially grieve for his parent. No words were necessary, for if she spoke, Natsume would surely soak up his hurricane of emotions and hide them so as to not worry others. Natsume never allowed himself to express his emotions so that no one would worry over him. Instead, he was the kind to be the knight in shining armor and help others.

They stand there for a moment, Ruka slowly making his way to them and also holding his friends hand. Natsume didn't need the fluffy words of pity and empathy that was usually portrayed in movies. No, he just needed his friends. Mikan grabs Ruka's hand with Hotaru on her other side. No one says anything but stands, the older people present wanting to tear up at the sight.

Instead, Tonōichi turns his head away and begins to ponder. "For 'Z's' boss to be the clone of the Elementary school principal... how is it possible?"

Tsubasa turns his attention to his Senpai in confusion, "Tono?"

The high schooler shakes his head as he recalls how Yuka exclaimed that she would defeat the clone. "But What does this mean? Yuka-San just said that she will defeat Z's boss but after that... she became a member of Z and is working under them while knowing that the boss is a clone, right? But that organization is..." he trails off.

Cutting off the confusion, Nodacchi takes that moment to speak. "The time-space waves have calmed down now. If we are to return to the present, now would be good timing." At his suggestion, doubt floods the twins. "No!" Akako exclaims, worried that her teacher might take them back before the children had a say.

"We need to be fully aware of what occurred before we return... this matter too, I need to see what happened to be sure that we should go with our mother." Mikan explains, glancing at her younger sister. Yes, it's evident that Akako has protected her older sister when it should have been the other way around, but Mikan is determined that her and her little sister should be fully aware of what happened that lead up to their present.

"Sakura-futago..." Nodacchi trails off.

With a great quake, the time-space shifts forward a bit and ruptures the moment of clarity and calmness that it obtained. Mikan quickly takes hold of Nodacchi's shirt while wrapping an arm around her little sister who clung to her waist. Everyone once again holds on to one another so as to not get thrown into time.

Everyone watches intently as a man speaks, a bell ringing in their heads at the sound of his voice. Akako's heart stops as the voice rings throughout her mind. 'The voice... of the Elementary School Principal..?!'


"I know, Azumi Yuka, that you came here to steal my Alice, right?" A familiar face smugly smirks at the stunned woman. "If that's so, that's just fine. However, have you thought of who would benefit more - you or that man- if I, the trump card, we're to die?"

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