Chapter 43: DA students

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Akako's POV

Everyone keeps walking faster and faster to try and escape Hayate, and Yō-chan won't put me down. He knows that I strongly dislike some of the people from the DA and Hayate is one of those people that I can at least tolerate on a good day.

"What do you do during the holidays?" I sigh as he keeps following us.

"Akako-chan.. why is he being like this? Isn't he supposed to be the enemy?" Mikan pokes my cheek as we keep walking. I shrug my shoulders, "I don't really know at this point.. I'm just happy that I was able to get a good few hits on him. Maybe I hit him too hard and now he's lost it? But I guess we can't assume."

"He does seem oddly obsessed with Hotaru-chan.." Ruka walks next to Mikan while Hotaru tries to get us to walk faster to get away from Hayate.

"Yes.. that part is actually scaring me a little..... But Hayate-kun isn't too bad, he can be an annoying prick but he's an okay guy. I could be considered an enemy because I'm in the DA, but my heart is true and I follow it. Maybe something about Hotaru snapped something in him? Although I don't exactly know why he's acting more of a baka than usual.."

"I'm talking to you~!" Hayate reaches over and grabs Hotaru by the shoulder, making her turn her blank but ferocious face towards him.

Only Hotaru-chan can look so calm but have a deadly atmosphere.... I sweat drop.

"What..?" Hotaru is really mad that Hayate landed a blow on her, so now he annoys her as much as Mikan and me. All of a sudden, you could tell what she's thinking because of how her posture is, 'Take your hand off my shoulder... Are you trying to infect me with your stupid-ness?'

He takes his hand away and stares at it in wonder, "S-shoulder... is so slender.."

"Ha~ya~te O~tou~to~! What are you doing?" My head snaps to the side so fast that I'm pretty sure that I heard a pop. "I came to check on you and the situation, and here I found you following after a girl! The joys of youth~ You really are quite a worthless bastard, aren't you?"


"Now, let's see! Where's the hot guy~~?" He enthusiastically glances at all of us. After looking at Mikan, Hotaru and Ruka his face suddenly turns scary, "Where. is. the. hot. guy~?"

Yōichi sets me down before sliding in front of our friends. Rui begins fawning over him, saying how Yō-chan is cute and is the reason that his heart is tingly; after a moment he goes quiet as he and Yōichi stare at each other.

"Could-.. Could this be... Yōichi-chan?" He stares at the child in shock, "Just now.. He dragged all of my power over there to him, the only person that could do that is him, 'The Demon summoner'..."

He stares at everyone, although I'm going to assume that he hasn't seen me since all of the others are blocking me from view unknowingly.

"I see.... so there are some unexpected intruders... You all want to pretend to be avenging knights? Only to succeed in becoming troublesome. Young ones really are delusional.. But no matter how much you grab my power, this place is overwhelmed with that person's opposing power. I can easily refill my power, so what you're doing doesn't even make me flinch."

I see Yō-chan's hands tremble slightly, and his hands become sweaty.

"Everyone.. run...." I hear him say. I frown, this young three year old trying to protect us... I can't let him get hurt! He's too young for any of this! He's my younger brother...

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