{Chapter 1} The babysitter

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Today is the day amity's parents went away for business

Today is the day the babysitter came

Ugh she hated that word

Amity hated having to watched after

She was 17! And her parents treated her like a kid!

Ever since she was a little kid her parents always had her watched after. And each time the caretaker would always quit. Or Amity had fired them.

Yes at such a young age she had the choice in the caretaker. And never once did they stay.

Being rich had it's ups and downs.and downs was everyone either hated you or tried using you.

Amity was sitting in her room on her phone.

She was scrolling through her phone when her parents called her down to say farewell.

She sighed and sat her phone aside and walked down the stairs to her parents which were fairly dressed because when weren't they?

Her parents then began explaining the situation

"Amity your siblings are not here to watch you and you know we can't leave you alone till you turn 18. And from recent complaints from you about your caretaker we decided to pick someone from your school. She is said to be good with watching over anybody. So don't be to rude"

Amity rolled her eyes. Who could this person possibly be? Not willow. Not the nerd Gus. Not the dog freak. Not boscha or else they would've explained it on detail.

She didn't take time to dwell on it since the babysitter was here.

Amity noticed it was raining outside. Ugh...rain..

She hated rain.



And full of memories...some good and others..

Well the good thing was the babysitter wasn't late

She was in time. Actually perfect timing.

Amity's parents looked at servants opened the door to a drenched teenager

She was about 6"0 give or take. Hispanic by the tan smooth skin. Dark hair and hazel eyes. Huh...

Amity took a look at her and thought for a moment.

Was that?...no...ugh!

Amity imdieatly went to her parents

"Their is no way you guys hired the steak from school! You always pay for the best! And this is way below your expectations!"

Amity's mother and father gave her a Stern look

"Amity blight you will not speak to us that way...and she's the only one who actually took the offer on watching you for a month...everyone else either rejected or refused.."

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