{chapter 5} School

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It was time for school.

Amity's boyfriend walked her to class. And being the popular rich kids everyone whispered about them or adored them.

Amity mad with to her class and her boyfriend left to go to his.

Amity walked in and noticed Luz looking out the window with a. Stick in her mouth? No it was a lollipop...

Amity looked tot eh side and took a seat glancing at Luz every so often but Luz didn't seem to really react to the learning.

But Amity had to focus on class. If she even got one question wrong then her parents would be beyond disappointed in her.

But her mind just couldn't get Luz out of it.

It was just filled with thoughts about Luz

Like luzs clothes and how good she looked in them.

Her hair and how fluffy and amazing it would be to run her hands through them

Her body to just give a hug for some reason.

Her lollipop she-

She blushed alot and tried thinking of anything other than Luz.

Her mind was racing to loose her thoughts of Luz

Class had ended and Amity wanted to see if Luz was ok after yesterday's events.

But willow and a small boy named Gus were surrounding her already and talking to her.

Amity could t help but feel jelouse about them being friends with her. But she guessed that was a side affect of having a crush.

Luz willow and Gus walked to their next class together and Amity followed from a distance until her boyfriend pulled her aside.

"Hey babe" he said ever so casually

Amity didn't like the term babe when it came from anyone..

She didn't like nicknames either..

Since her siblings gave her the nickname mittens ugh..

Amity watched Luz leave then reverted her attention to her boyfriend

"Hey" she said casually or atleast tried to.

"Wanna ditch school? I mean me and my buds and their girlfriends are ditching to go hang out"

Amity hated ditching school with him. He always made her feel terrible after

"I don't know I've been behind on my studies and-"

Her boyfriend interrupted

"Oh come on babe don't you wanna hang out with me? Don't be a nerd"

Amity was about to say something when she felt a tall figure stand beside her.

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