{Chapter 8} A Fight

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He charged at Luz.

Luz dodged and shoved him into the ground. He lost his balance and right into the ground he went.

He got highly annoyed and jumped up tackling Luz down.

Again she shoved him into the ground.but to her surprise he kicked her right in the stomach.

It was actually a perfect hit so much infact Luz coughed up some blood.

She gasped for air and fell to the ground as he kept kicking her in the stomach

She got annoyed and with one last kick in her stomach she grabbed his foot and threw him across the ground.

He felt light headed as his had hit the ground multiple times.

Luz got up and wiped her mouth of the blood.

She leaned down close to his head and said in a cold tone

"Keep blackmailing her and you won't see tomorrow to do it again...now stop the rumors and delete the picture.."

He slammed his head into her face as she groaned stepping back as her nose bled

"You mother-" Luz began before he got up and sprinted or atleast tried to run away.

Before he even made it a few feet away Luz tackled him and slammed him into the ground.

He groaned din pain as Luz grabbed his home and went through it

"Oo pretty boy here has alot of sidechicks.."

He growled trying to move but she held on of his arms behind his back and her knee sat onto his back.

She went through his phone and then his gallery

She wasn't gonna waste her time in fact she deleted everything and reset the entire phone.

She then made a password and changed his email information

She then threw his phone at his face and got up

"Have a lovely night. Cya tomorrow at school.."

She went back inside as soon as she made it she closed the door and leaned back against it panting softly.

The maids and butlers rushed to her aid and helped her to her room.

They made sure to be quiet.

They sat her down and started cleaning her up.

Bandages on her stomach and a bandage on her nose.

Amity woke up and saw Luz sitting in the chair having fallen asleep.

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