{Chapter 3} Hangover

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Luz received a phone call from amity's parents in the early morning. They had seemed to have heard about the accident and a party last night..

"yes miss blight?", Luz asked dover the phone.

"We apologise for amity's cations darling she tends to have parties and leaves a mess so don't worry about the cleaning let the maids and butlers handle it. But boscha. Boscha is like our camera. She tells us what happens. So may we ask why their are no butlers and maids?"

Luz smiled and chuckled

"Well ma'am I let them off yesterday do not worry your daughter will not have to do anything"

Odalia sighed diver the phone

"I think this is what she needs actually. We might be spoiled her to much. We've depended on her since she was born. We gave up on her siblings you see and now she's all we can depend on."

Luz nodded understanding
"I understand ma'am do not worry. Have fun and relax. And don't worry about finding a babysitter because I can stay the whole month if needed"

Odalia sighed with relief over the phone

"Alright but still we need you for a week and when the end of the week comes give us a call and tell us if you will be staying or going"

"Yes ma'am" Luz said and said farewell and went to check up on Amity.

Amity was sleeping so it was time to cook.

Luz needed sleep.

She couldn't stay up anymore so, she cooked Amity a healthy breakfast to help with the hangover she may have and a drink to make the pain go away.

Noon struck and Amity woke up with a headache.

She saw the breakfast and smiled.

She wondered what Luz cooked for her today.

But she didn't see Luz.

"Luz?" She called out.

No response.

She got worried maybe something happened at the party.

She got up slowly and carefully went looking for Luz.

She saw Luz asleep in her room.

She smiled a bit.but she also felt bad.

"She must've stayed up all night cleaning and then made me breakfast as well..."

She felt it was to much.

But she enjoyed this.

Maybe her and Luz could be come friend.

Yea that's sounded a bit nice.

Today it was raining so that meant no going shopping thankfully.

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